Connecting Emerging Technologies to Local Communities

Myla Athitang
UNC Blue Sky Innovations
4 min readJul 21, 2022

The Reese Innovation Lab houses a collection of emerging technologies itching to be utilized by local communities. As the Lab continues to produce innovative tech, the public simultaneously shifts to make way for these innovations to be implemented as the new standard. In addition to the current projects here at the Reese Innovation Lab, our creators and innovators are continuously producing ideas that could very well end up as the next new technological advancement. From Loomo, a rolling robot eager to follow your commands, to 3D Volumetric Capture Technology, these innovations may end up in the palms of your hands in the near future.

You might be questioning the importance of connecting these technologies to local communities. While your average working person might not need complex AI technology nor use VR headsets on a daily basis, the next time you walk into your local grocery store and check out, pay close attention to the touchless payment options — one of many innovative techs in today’s world. Emerging technology surrounds us everywhere we go. From the grocery store to the roads we drive on, innovative tech continues to engulf the world in its grasp. While it might sound overwhelming and a bit scary to imagine the future as a technological dystopia, these emerging technologies can heavily aid communities, creating a better future for everyone.

Limiting innovation to only mass companies often leaves the public out of conversations with technology. Building a bridge to connect these creations to local communities brings us one step closer to technological advancement. As discussions ranging from Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to the development of the Metaverse start to rise, it is now important as ever to keep the public informed about the innovations improving their everyday surroundings. You might be asking, how will the Reese Innovation Lab guide our innovative creations to the public eye?

The Reese Innovation Lab prides itself in its usage of Virtual Reality (VR) tech. In partnership with GEARUP and Google Cardboard VR, one such project gives local high schoolers a chance to tour colleges in a unique 360° college tour experience. The Google Cardboard VR boxes offer a cheaper, more accessible alternative to the Oculus VR Headsets while still offering the opportunity to tour colleges virtually. This has been especially impactful during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Google Cardboard VR boxes are paired with the GEAR UP VR app, listing colleges across North Carolina. Mirroring in-person college tours, the 360° college tour experience offers a pre-recorded guide explaining college-specific amenities and other resources at each academic institution. The project highlights the importance of post-secondary education to high schoolers at the edge of their career paths. By providing students access to 360° college tour experiences, the project will inspire students to continue onto post-secondary education. As such, this project directly impacts local communities in positive ways.

In addition to the VR college tour experience, the Lab is currently in the development stages of producing a new online video game, titled I AM BLANK! The online game allows students to journey through different professions, climbing their way through miniature missions, such as fighting pesky viruses, managing a restaurant, and many more adventures! I AM BLANK tasks the students with completing journeys according to each profession in the game. A few of the professions in the game include journalists, chefs, and teachers. The game is set to release in mid-September when it will make its way to high schoolers and middle schoolers at the start of their career journeys.

Another innovative project jumpstarted by the Reese Innovation Lab is the Health Greeter Kiosk. While the pandemic looms over the minds of many, the Health Greeter Kiosk offers a gentle reminder to follow CDC COVID-19 safety precautions. The device recognizes unmasked people, replying with a simple, yet important, reminder to follow CDC guidance. Not only does the device recognize unmasked people, but it also has spatial detection; meaning, the device can catch if social distancing measures are being followed or not. This innovative technology creates a safer environment by encouraging the adoption of CDC precautions. In addition, the reminders are given in a calm, human response, lessening the tension in the air. The responses are modeled to reflect professionalism, clarity, and compassion with its users. This technology adds to the list of how emerging tech impacts the daily life of the public.

Although you might not need extremely complex AI technologies to aid in day-to-day problems, the future of technology is just around the corner. Our lives are constantly changing with the emergence of new tech. So the next time you step out in public, keep an eye out for new tech replacing or improving the operations of businesses and other organizations. You never know, the next trending tech might even become the new standard!



Myla Athitang
UNC Blue Sky Innovations

Creative Contributing Writer with relatively four-plus years of experience writing about collected stories heard across the world.