From Pixels to Prose: A User-Generated Manual For Generative AI

Anthony DeHart
UNC Blue Sky Innovations
5 min readSep 7, 2023

As you might have already read in our last blog post “A Day in the Life of Chat GPT,” we’ve been experimenting a lot with generative AI. That entire post- photos and all- was entirely generated in ChatGPT.

That’s not to say, however, that it wasn’t hard work to get to that output. Creating high-quality content using Generative AI requires good prompt design and more than a little experimentation. With that in mind, here are some of our favorite tips on how to get the best results…

Prompting Best Practices

The true prowess of Generative AI lies not just in its ability to generate content, but in how you, the user, guide it. Think of the AI as an infinitely resourceful assistant, but one that needs direction. Without proper guidance, its vast knowledge might not be channeled effectively.

Clarity is King

Begin with a clear objective in mind. What exactly do you want to achieve with the AI’s response? Whether you’re seeking a detailed explanation, a summary, or a creative twist, being precise in your instruction will lead to more relevant outputs. Avoid vague phrases like “Tell me about X.” Instead, opt for “Provide a concise summary of X focusing on its key strengths and weaknesses.”

Provide Context

When interacting with Generative AI, context isn’t just about clarity, it’s about tailoring the output to your specific needs. By giving a brief background or setting, you guide the AI to produce content that’s more attuned to your objectives. For instance, instead of just requesting, “What are some catchy taglines for laser tag?”, you could specify, “I’m creating an ad for a laser tag arena targeting teenagers in suburban areas. Can you suggest some catchy headlines?” This level of detail helps the model understand your intent and produces results that are better aligned with your vision.

If at First You Don‘t Succeed, Rephrase and Try Again

If the AI’s response isn’t what you expected or wanted, try rephrasing the prompt. Different phrasing can often yield a more accurate or relevant answer. It’s similar to interacting with a person; sometimes, a slight change in wording can lead to a more fruitful conversation.

Don’t be disheartened if the initial responses aren’t perfect. Generative AI, while powerful, might not always get it right the first time. Refine your prompts, provide feedback, and iterate until you get the desired outcome.

Good Prompting is More Conversation than Declaration

Harnessing the true potential of Generative AI requires an iterative approach, much like honing any craft. Upon receiving an AI-generated output, it’s vital to assess its alignment with your expectations and make necessary refinements. Engage in a constructive back-and-forth with the system; ask follow-up questions and seek clarifications based on initial responses. Over time, this feedback loop not only sharpens the content generated but deepens your proficiency in guiding the AI, creating a synergy where both the user and the system continually adapt and evolve together.

Using Meta-Prompts

At its core, meta-prompting is about guiding Generative AI on a higher level. Instead of just dictating what you want to know, you’re also instructing the AI on how to convey it. It’s like asking a chef not only for a dish but also specifying the presentation, spices, and serving method.

Meta-prompts elevate the art of guiding Generative AI, allowing users to shape responses with an added layer of precision. Instead of merely asking a question, you’re providing directives on how the answer should be structured. For instance, indicating a desired response length or specifying a format can be crucial for tailored outputs. However, it’s a delicate balance: while meta-prompts can offer specificity, over-reliance might stifle the AI’s ability to produce creative insights. The key lies in using meta-prompts judiciously, integrating them with natural language to achieve a harmonious blend of creativity and control.

Iterative Prompting

Think of conversing with Generative AI as engaging in a dynamic dance, where each step leads to another. Rather than bombarding the AI with complex, multi-layered queries, break down your requests into simpler, more manageable steps. Start with a broader question and then fine-tune your prompts based on the AI’s initial outputs. This method not only aids in extracting detailed and accurate information but also allows the AI to gradually build up a nuanced understanding of the topic at hand.

By embracing iterative prompting, users can guide the AI through a series of interactions, ensuring clarity and depth in the generated content. This approach mirrors human conversations, where complex topics are often unpacked through a series of questions and answers, leading to richer, more insightful discussions.

Waterfall Prompting

Waterfall prompting is a structured approach to content generation with Generative AI. By deconstructing a concept into its sequential components, users can guide the AI to delve into each part individually. After exploring these distinct segments, the generated content is then pieced together, ensuring a comprehensive and well-organized output. This method mirrors a waterfall’s cascading flow, where information trickles down in stages, culminating in a cohesive and thorough end product.

Leveraging Plugins

Plugins in the realm of Generative AI open doors to a myriad of advanced capabilities beyond just text. With the right extensions, one can prompt the AI to generate intricate images, design visual elements, or even craft full-fledged slide decks for presentations. Some plugins enable real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to simultaneously work and interact with the AI. Others introduce advanced analytics, helping users understand trends and patterns in their content generation. By integrating these plugins, users can truly harness the multifaceted power of Generative AI, transforming it from a mere text generator into a comprehensive content creation powerhouse.

Exploring Multiple Programs

In the expansive landscape of Generative AI, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Different programs and chatbots, each with their unique algorithms and strengths, offer diverse outputs. Venturing beyond a single tool can be enlightening; for instance, while one AI might excel at data-driven tasks, another could shine in creative brainstorming. By interacting with multiple AIs, like Claude, ChatGPT, or Bard, users can gather a broader range of content, cherry-picking the best from each. This collaborative approach, blending multiple AI perspectives with human intuition, often results in richer, more nuanced content, turning the creation process into a symphony of varied voices.

In essence, effective prompting is a blend of clarity, context, and iteration. Mastering this art can transform your experience with Generative AI, making it a more valuable and reliable tool in your content creation arsenal.



Anthony DeHart
UNC Blue Sky Innovations

I am a passionate storyteller with a strong focus on how new technologies can enable us communicate in new and exciting ways.