EU never know what treasures you’ll find…

2024 Eurofellows Reflection

This post was written by educator Jodie Washington from Southeast College Preparatory Academy.

Have you ever stumbled upon a little treasure while at a yard sale or trendy boutique? You might not even know what you’ll do with your gem, but you know it will be valuable. You might even feel a little selfish for spending the money. I stumbled upon a treasure last year- UNC’s Center for European Studies. I was at another event where Brett (CES Outreach Coordinator) was sharing information about the Center for European (CES) Studies. When I got home that evening and unloaded the ubiquitous bag of conference pamphlets and flyers, I found the pamphlets from Brett and decided to apply for the 2023–2024 Eurofellows. I was accepted, and my treasure was found.

I currently teach at a small high school in Halifax County. One of my favorite things about being an inclusion Exceptional Children (EC) teacher is the lack of boredom. I don’t get bored with the same classes, co-teachers, students, or activities because I’m in different classrooms learning something new every day. However, being an inclusion teacher without specific content expertise doesn’t allow me to take complete ownership of a class or lesson. The Eurofellows has allowed me to delve into an interesting, comprehensive, and widely applicable topic-the European Union (EU).

The Eurofellows workshops have given us a unique opportunity to work with EU experts, professors, and other invaluable resources. We’ve been able to explore EU issues and learn how to apply our knowledge in our classrooms. Throughout the entire fellowship, our treasure, Brett, has welcomed and encouraged us. The more I discover about the EU and its member nations, the more I discover its rich history and diversity is not unlike my small Halifax County high school. The more resources and information I’m offered, more opportunities present themselves for my students. Suddenly, the commute through swamps and tobacco fields in rural Eastern North Carolina is filled with considerations about connections to Germany or France or Belgium-for me and our students.

The CES and Brett have made UNC resources and the EU accessible to our small community. I will undoubtedly be able to unpack and share these resources in all Halifax County Schools for years to come. I can help show our students the world is both large and limitless, but also reachable and possible. I am most excited to share my experience in Brussels with my students and hope they learn to dream beyond the county lines. If I can step out of my comfort zone and prioritize exploration and learning outside the traditional classrooms, then my students can too. Hopefully they will find their treasure and seize all of life’s unexpected opportunities.

