Picture Perfect

Seeing the continent; Studying Euroscepticism

Meet Katja Greeson, an alum of the TransAtlantic Masters program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who travelled across Europe in the summer of 2019 after receiving a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence Summer Research Award. Katja currently works as a Project Manager at the Transatlantic Exchange of Civic Educators.

In tandem with a Question & Answer post about Katja’s research experience, this photo essay provides a glimpse into Katja’s focus on euroscepticism and youth participation, as well as the goals of the JMCE Summer Research Award: making the EU — and the study of it — accessible to as many people as possible.

Deutsch-Französische Jugendwerk, Berlin
Left: Anti AFD Sticker, Berlin | Right: EU Flag, Berlin
Left & Center: Haus der Jugendarbeit, Berlin | Right: Neighborhood, Berlin
View from Berliner Dom, Berlin
Left: Tiergarten, Berlin | View Along the Spree, Berlin
View of the Spree, Berlin
Left: Victoriapark, Berlin | Right: Berliner Dom, Berlin
Left & Center: Central Market, Budapest | Right: Night, Budapest
View across the river, Budapest
Left: River View, Budapest | Right: Street Food Market, Budapest
Dohany Synagogue, Budapest
Left: Budapest | Right: Dresden
Left: German EU Fernsehturm, Berlin | Center: Frau Europa, Germany | Right: Momentum sticker, Hungary
Big Ben Scaffolding, London
Burroughs Market, London
Left & Right: Germany Exhibit, U.K.

Thank you to Katja for sharing these photos and your experience! Best of luck in all your future endeavours!

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

