Pittsburgh MEU 2022: Barrie Wiener

Barrie Wiener studies French and Politics & Philosophy at University of Pittsburgh. In February 2022, Barrie participated in the Pittsburgh MEU.

As a graduating senior from the University of Pittsburgh, the Pitt Model European Union conference brings back amazing memories. My first time attending this conference was during my first year of undergrad, in person, before the pandemic. Returning again to this conference, albeit via zoom, always brings some joy to my heart. Being able to learn more about the European Union and talk with other students who shared my interests from all over the country every year has been an incredible and life-changing opportunity.

Model EU is so helpful in so many ways, as it teaches you how to work with a group and with others who might not necessarily share your opinion. It helps shape writing skills and also teaches public speaking. Through the guidance of amazing advisors, such as Sam Moik and Tony Ocepek, as well as the leadership of the simulation’s president, Brianna Howell, I have learned so much and grown so much. Model EU has made my college experience rich and full, and I will always be grateful for everything I have learned in this program.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UNC, Pitt, and FIU, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

