SUNY MEU 2023 Blog Post

Charles Harris

Charles exploring NYC after the SUNY MEU simulation.

Happy to have represented the UNC Center for European Studies and the Kingdom of Belgium at SUNY Model European Union alongside Deniz Erdal, Matthew Pierro, and Yueun Kang! I am thankful for the unique opportunity to travel to NYC, meet other students interested in the TransAtlantic relationship and inner-workings of EU Governance, and apply what I’ve learned in my Contemporary European Studies classes at UNC. While classes alone can make the dynamic geopolitical and economic model that is the EU feel static, the simulation allowed the UNC team to immerse ourselves in simulating what we came to appreciate the EU to be a vibrant, future-oriented, and hopeful organization that aims to facilitate relationships internally (as we practice between our “Latvian” delegation and “Belgian” one) and beyond. I hope to have the opportunity to attend a similar simulation in the future.

Charles (right) with UNC MEU teammates Matthew Pierro (center) and Deniz Erdal (left).

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UNC, Pitt, and FIU, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

