World’s Awaited Decentralized Database of Cloud Computing Resources

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3 min readOct 3, 2018

A platform that uses smart & secured blockchain technology with limitless possibilities. An unified ecosystem that brings together individuals, hosting providers and companies with underutilized data centres to get world-wide reach within minutes. A conglomeration of participants who can rent their available server resources to a broader audience and also earn revenue at the same time through the open internet. Some of the many stunning features that Unchainet offers!

Striving to end the monopoly of a few large players in the segment, Unchainet is a decentralized blockchain platform for cloud computing services that offers a plethora of first-of-its kind features as listed below:

  • Blockchain technology for faster transactions, reliability and security.
  • QoS technology for constant and transparent monitoring of the quality of each node thus ensuring node trustworthiness.
  • Consensus algorithm called the Proof of Beneficial Work (PoBW) based on the Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithm.
  • Unchainet for providers– Option to install the platform on their hardware, either on bare-metal or on virtual machines.
  • Unchainet for clients– Provide access to the Unchainet web console and CLI with a simplified UI to launch new instances.
  • Clients are provided with 3 types of availability: ‘Eventual Availability’, ‘Guaranteed Availability’, and ‘Long-term booking’.
  • Internal cryptocurrency UNET, to facilitate all transactions through wallet and service accounts.

UNET- All you need to know

  • Initially offered as an Ethereum based ERC20 token, but after implementing the Unchainet blockchain main network, it would be migrated in a 1:1 ratio to the native token.
  • Would offer faster transaction time unlike Bitcoin that can at times take upto an hour to transfer between one wallet to another. The Unchainet transaction capacity is being targeted to start at 10000 transactions per second.
  • Transactions for individuals are planned to be free while for organizations that need bulk processing the transaction fee would be minimal. This is in complete contrast to the average Bitcoin transaction fees that are around $10 and rising.
  • Decentralization and ‘beneficial mining’ saves cost and energy.
  • UNET transactions are planned to be anonymous by default, using a zero-proof algorithm, but the sender can include watchers (which can be a specific ID or public) who can identify participants and the number of transactions.

The aforementioned are just a few of the features that Unchainet offers. The platform has limitless possibilities to offer a seamless cloud computing service experience. Unchainet’s key value proposition for clients is its expected cost-savings. To providing an elegant and cost-effective solution to trading Unchainet computing resources, UNET is being launched.

UNET ICO : Tokens Issuance & Distribution

Unchainet intends to organize an offering of future tokens under a Single Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT). A total of 134,000,000 of the total of 200,000,000 UNET tokens are being offered under SAFT at an aggregate of US$18,000,000.

No further tokens would be generated beyond the 200,000,000 UNET’s. The market price for the ICO is expected to be at $1 USD= 4.35 UNET, 1 UNET= $0.23 USD

The Distribution pattern:

  • 67% of the tokens (134,000,000) of the total 200,000,000 would be offered under SAFT for sale.
  • 13% would be retained for Team & Advisors.
  • 10% is allotted for Partners & Provider incentives.
  • The remaining 10% is reserved for liquidity.

Unchainet will also be introducing a credit called CRC (computing resource credit) to negotiate the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market and also to facilitate a non-transferable credit to be used as an incentive for start-ups and blockchain projects that would run on the Unchainet platform. The CRC credits will be internal to the platform, non-transferable and locked to a specific service account. The approximate value of 1 CRC= $1.60 USD.

Unchainet is the future of cloud-based resource sharing services. With the services being offered over a secured and scalable blockchain platform, Unchainet not only promises to be the world leader in the next generation cloud-computing shared resource services but a company and token to consider investing in.

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