Feminism: The Un-Dead Movement that Needs to Die

Uncle Borax
Uncle Borax
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2017

Once in a university lecture-hall, I had the misfortune of observing a fellow student get yelled into silence by other classmates because he dared disagree with feminist literary theory. As a man, they argued, he had no right to voice a dissenting opinion. For the left, views on issues like feminism can only be valid if:

a) You have the right genitalia & say the right things (having the right genitalia but the wrong views can have you branded a Sarah Palin which in leftist demonology is one level removed from Donald Trump who is currently Lucifer)

b) You have the wrong genitalia but show you’re sorry by tweeting the right things and/or undergoing surgery to get the right genitalia.

For the record, I freely state that I am a carbon-based, sentient life-form. More specifically, I am a mammal that self-identifies as a human being. I do have skin. The pigmentation of this skin is probably darker or lighter depending on the skin of the other homo-sapiens that I’m being compared with. I also have sex organs that are similar to some, different to others and are inherently better than everyone’s. In addition, I have a filling in the molar of my upper-left tooth. And now that I have revealed my Truths, I feel safe to proceed.

Feminism, I am happy to declare, has died a very timely and appropriate death. What passes for feminism these days is the undead zombie movement that must be killed — if only to put it out of its misery.

Once upon a time, feminism actually used to mean championing equality — actual equality — which took the form of being able to work outside of the domestic sphere, hold property and vote. Thanks to the efforts of many daring dames and genuine gents, an equality of the sexes that was unparalleled in human history was finally achieved…almost a hundred years ago.

Once the equality of opportunity was achieved; once women got the vote, began entering universities and the work-force in record numbers, the movement was no longer necessary. This is why today most people believe in equality of the sexes but do not identify as feminists.

As it stands, the movement, or its raging rag-tag remnants, lack any semblance of cohesion — save for the desire to do whatever, whenever and always at someone else’s expense. This is not female liberation but the tyranny of a whiny adolescent mentality that believes the taxpayer is nothing more than an indentured servant who must subsidize every capricious and conflicted whim.

This is why feminism has become about having children and not having children; receiving government subsidised IVF treatments and having tax-funded abortions; demanding equality in the workplace but then insisting on quota systems; wearing make-up and not wearing make-up; burning bras and frequenting Victoria Secret; being health-conscious and embracing body positivity movements. Feminism exists in opposition to itself and its multiplicity of meanings has rendered it utterly meaningless.

This is why it must become increasingly more radical to garner attention.

Argentinian feminists staged a mock abortion of the Virgin Mary near a Cathedral as part of an International Women’s Day protest (2017).

However, boring tacky publicity stunts are not enough. In order to stay relevant by seizing the mainstream spotlight, phony causes are created with the aim of manufacturing faux injustice that sparks genuine outrage (think Don Quixote chasing windmills). The wage gap is a myth. There is no “rape culture” on campus or otherwise.

As a matter of fact, there is plenty of evidence to demonstrate that Hillary Clinton is far more misogynistic than Donald Trump — especially after keeping a known rapist pedophile out of prison. But why let facts get in the way of a good victim narrative?

Like any zombie attack, the undead nature of feminism means we must stand firm and work to put it out of its misery. Rather than angry throngs marching in unison and screaming inanity, we must help the shrill find peace. We (as in ALL of us) have won. People who don’t think so need to quit their bitching and man-up.

