Is Time Our Most Scarce Resource?

A few steps to help make better use of your time

Advice for College Students


There is an importance to our time, some will say it is our most scarce resource, I say it is one of the most mistreated assets available to man.

Time means more to some than others, some get much more out of their time than others. A common excuse we can hear people make concerning time is- “I do not have enough.”

Well, the thing with that statement is it is not a matter of us not having enough time. But, what we do with our time is a demonstration of our value system. The things we value or place more in importance than others.

For everything we choose to do, there is an opportunity cost. In other words, doing one thing will require the sacrifice or neglecting of another thing we could do in the same time slot.

Another statement people make is “time is money.” The truth is when people use the term ‘money’ they are mostly referring to cash, such as bullion coins or paper bank notes.

The reality remains that time is time, and the value we place on time, if reduced to cash, is not exactly that high. Unfortunately, time can only be spent once.

One question: Consider people who reach the end of their life, what question are they more likely to ask?

“Did I make the most of my time on earth?” Or “did I accumulate and gather up as much cash as I possibly could?”

Which question will hold more weight to a person reaching the end of their life? It is more likely to be the former right?

Then cash is a very poor comparison to the resource of time we have, never allow the fact that people get paid for their time to make you believe that time must be equivalent to cash.

It is a limited view, especially, when everything within our life fits in the context of time. That cannot be said for cash.

There are never any difference or limitations on time, there is only a difference in our respect for it. The only difference is in our priorities, our values, what we care about most.

Sometimes, we allow situations to limit us seeing the bigger picture of what is truly valuable in life. Time is one of those under-valued assets; it will best serve us when revered.

Time is one thing we we not get back for sure. If we do not learn to make the habit of prioritizing things in our life, opportunities, people and our own weaknesses will steal our time. A life filled with wasted time is a life filled with insufficiency, lack and mediocrity.

Let us utilize our time by:

1. Set new priorities for your life, by writing down a list of the most important things you must do. Limit it to three or four things so it’s manageable.

2. Now order those things in terms of importance- number them.

3. Now set time periods and days to accomplish each priority one by one. When you finish the first priority on your list, work on the priority next in line.

4. Do not start on another priority until you have finished the first one. Get focused and discipline yourself to stick to your time slots as much as you can.

5. Decide to wake up earlier than you normally would so you can have time were you’re un-interrupted.

Also so you can have momentum for the day, get your most important things done in the morning because you are more likely to feel lazy the more the day progresses.

Your priorities will determine your actions and attitudes toward everything in your life. Do not let a lack of true priorities allow time thieves to invade your life.

Treat your time with respect, value it, and it will serve you. Live intentionally to be your best by saving time for the best in your life.

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Advice for College Students

I help people get noticed for their work. People person, marketer, strategy. I write about everything from Business & Marketing to Society & Ancient History.