Turn Your Passion Into A Career

Mridul Verma
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2015

We all have that one dream job that we would do anything for. This dream job can be anything really. Maybe you have always wanted to be a photographer, or a chef. I know some people who turned their love for travelling and adventure into a career. If you have a passion, you should certainly make an effort to pursue it. But how does one even begin this journey? What if you already have a career that provides you financial security?

We all face tough situations in our lives and are often required to test our convictions. Make sure that you are in a position to pursue your passions, while ensuring that you succeed in your quest for transforming what you love into a successful career.

I started out my career as a network engineer for an aircraft carrier in the country. I realized in just a few months that this was not the kind of job that I could see myself doing 10, or even 5 years from now. It took some doing, but today I am pretty happy with what I have going on in my professional life. As a co-founder of one tech startup, and with a second digital marketing startup starting to take off, all of this in the past two years, I have had a fun time learning how to target growth, convert clients, and get results.

As with any line of career, it was not always easy, and even today I have good days and bad days. What I can say with the utmost honesty is that my job pays my bills, gives me a chance to learn something that I am passionate about, and also opens up a lot of exciting opportunities.

There are some things that I wish I knew when I was starting down this path. I hope talking about them now helps a few people.

1. Do not quit your day job.. yet

This is one of the biggest mistake that people make when following their passion. I too quit the networking job just a few short months after I got it. The 6 months that I had to wait before I found another opportunity were some of the most troubling days of my life. Barely a year out of college, I had no savings, and had to rely on close friends for financial support every time the odd jobs I was doing failed to cover the rent.

Passion alone may not be enough and you need to be ready for every situation. Yes, some times a leap of faith is required, but why would you even want to put yourself in such a position when you can easily take safeguards to ensure financial security? From popular writer like William Faulkner, to the celebrated poet T S Eliot, there are numerous examples of people who followed their passions while holding a day job. I used these names, because these are the people I look up to. Writing as a career was the life I chose for myself, and I could have easily started it while I kept the network engineer job. Take my word on this. Do not give up on your financial security unless you absolutely have to.

2. Do your research first

So you know what you want to do. Great! Now what? Will you just start your dream of becoming a lawyer, or a chef? I’m sure you are prepared for any situation since you know everything about this new field! No? Then how about you take the time to find out all of this first? At the bare minimum you should know things like how people get started in the line of career that you are interested in, and what is the average salary that they make.

I started blogging as a means to attract writing clients. That was 3 years ago. The first client I got through my blog was two months ago. If only I had known how to get paid for writing, I would no doubt have done a whole lot better. I caught a lucky break and had a co-founder who is simply astonishing when it comes to business development. He was the one who found me my first half a dozen clients. It was sheer luck, and I will be the first person to admit it.

Do not make the mistake of assuming that the statistics will not apply to you. If 90% of the people in your industry get paid peanuts, there is a very good chance that you will be as well. Do not plan as if you will catch all the right breaks, and you will never be disappointed.

3. Think beyond the money, but plan for financial independence

This one is a bit obvious. Sure you want a job that satisfies you and makes you walk with a spring in your steps. We all do! But please do make sure that you know what you are walking in to.

If your plan is to become a painter and sell your work online, make sure that you have some buyers first. Money may not be your first concern, but you still want a roof over your head and a hot meal on your table. Do not make your savings a means to spend the rest of your life, it simply does not work that way unless you were a multi millionaire to begin with.

4. Try to balance your passion and your current work

Compromises can always be made, and are often a better option for many people. You do not need to quit your high paying job because you want to help people. Volunteer for charity work, and help out at the local orphanage or the old-age shelter over the weekend. Set aside money for the causes that you believe in. There is a lot that you can do even while you are working. Find out first whether you want to change a job just because you do not like your boss. Getting a new job is easier than starting an entirely different career.

5. Have a backup in place before you commit to anything

This one point cannot be stressed upon. You need to know when to quit. Ideally this should be at a point where you still haven’t completely exhausted your savings and are in a position to find a job again. Watch out for signs that you are nearing your limit, and walk away when you get there. Giving up on your dreams is heartbreaking, but you cannot let it ruin your life, You will get plenty of chances to bounce back or attack the challenge in a different way, so make sure that you are around when such an opportunity rises.

Chasing our dreams can be one of the most rewarding things ever! It can also end up ruining you. Make sure that when you take up your passion & try to turn it into a vocation, you’re ready for all that lies ahead.

Have you changed career and found a job that gave you a chance to shine? What were your experiences, and what tips would you like to give others who will walk down the same path?

