I’m probably wrong. So be skeptical

Joseph Pack
Uncommon Aspect
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020

Paul Jarvis’s latest newsletter article is about how he doesn’t write to be “right”.

This resonates with me.

I often steal the phrase — all advice is autobiographical and your mileage may vary — from Austin Kleon.

Because while most people with a voice on the internet talk in “facts and prescriptions” I prefer to lay out my opinions and experiences.

Jason Fried loves to give unactionable advice. He says that most actionable advice is actually opinion. But when it’s written like — “do this, do that” — it ignores that the reader will have their own context. The same advice does not strictly apply.

What you and I experience today will be different. Which is why your mileage may (almost certainly) vary.

One of my issues with young, or beginner, business owners hiring a coach too early, is because the coach often robs the client of their given right to make mistakes. It’s through these mistakes that we learn. Of course, this presumes that the coach actually knows what they’re on about, because most really don’t.

So when you read what I’ve written, be skeptical. Think deeply about it in the context of your own life. As if you’re a scientist and I’ve come up with a wild hypothesis.

As always — this advice is autobiographical.

