On responsible consumption — why is it important?

Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2020

A conscious approach to everything that is bought, used and thrown away can be the thing that will change our lives and the planet. Fast fashion makes us buy things we don’t need: until the 20th century fashion used to be “slow”. Dresses and suits would be made to measure out of rather expensive fabrics. However, with the advent of industrial manufacturing, humanity is facing another problem: now everyone in the developed world can walk into a store and buy a cheap sweater that might end up in the landfill after just one wear. This is what fast fashion means — impulsive purchases that end up forgotten deep in the wardrobe until they are chucked away.

At the same time, the clothing industry uses enormous amounts of water. Harmful substances are often used for dyeing fabrics. Every year 400 billion square meters of fabrics are made, 60 billion of which end up in a landfill or burned. The same fate awaits clothes that weren’t sold. Despite the fact that the fashion industry takes a tremendous toll on the planet, this course is supported by virtually all market participants, and we want to change that.

Everyone can help. It’s better to choose a more expensive, but good quality item rather than buying trendy “disposable” clothing. Try buying better quality items for the same price, but used — you can find plenty of well-known brands that won’t fall apart after a few washes. Instead of buying mass market clothes that end up in tatters after just one season, choose a more expensive item that will serve you for years and will pay for themselves next year! This is the direction we are taking with Uncommonn, and we call upon everyone to become more responsible for the sake of our planet!




Blockchain powered resale platform earn money and recycle old clothes at the same time. https://www.uncommonn.com