We are happy to welcome you on the
UNCOMMONN social media page!

Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2020

You may think the only thing we are going to talk about in our posts is our project’s upcoming main sale, but that isn’t the case at all.

Uncommonn is much more than just a financial project, it’s a real philosophy. We live and breathe by three main key words. Individuality. Sustainability. Transparency. You will find out how much these words mean to us on our social media pages!

Individuality. We will talk about our project, how it stands out from the rest, what we offer to our users and how we are going to change the world.

Sustainability. Have you heard of the term sustainable consumption? We want to protect the planet and give things a second life, after all, ingenuity is always in fashion. We motivate our users to sell clothes they no longer need — and make some good money doing it.

Transparency. We use blockchain technology exactly for this reason — to make sure the project is fully transparent and reliable. We will further elaborate on that in the future.
We will also tell you about UCR.

Stay with us! Lots of interesting things ahead!




Blockchain powered resale platform earn money and recycle old clothes at the same time. https://www.uncommonn.com