10 Women-Centric Resources

A starter-list of women-centric resources.


An ask we often hear in our community is this: do you have a list of resources where we can learn more? We’re excited to bring you a starter list of organisations, directories, books, and newsletters that we think stand out in the women’s space.



YLabs is a women-led nonprofit design and research firm that builds youth-driven solutions for health and economic challenges. Check out Future Sex Ed, focused on increasing the confidence of (especially) young women in sexual health and relationships.


Madami specialises in gender, female and menstrual health, to bridge the gap between public and private sector ambitions. Check out their networking platform Menstrual Health Hub, their approach Women-Centered Design, and their directory of Social Projects.

The Systems Sanctuary

The Systems Sanctuary trains women in systems practice and creates peer-learning cohorts for them to become powerful ecosystems for positive change. Learn more about their framework for creating feminist systems change.

Black Womxn Flourish

Black Womxn Flourish is a design for well-being collective shaping the future of Black womxn’s health and healing through creative, community-led practices. They dream of a future where Black womxn are redefining and designing what it means to be well.


Women’s Design + Research Unit (WD+RU)

The Women’s Design + Research Unit (WD+RU) spotlights women's visual communication and design education, underpinned by a core feminist philosophy. Browse through their archive of past projects.

depatriarchise design

depatriarchise design radically democratizes access to design education and discourse. Check out their online directory Feminist Curricula, and their feminist platform for design politics Futuress.

Ladysmith’s Data Justice Picks

A feminist library of resources at the intersection of data, technology, and policy — by Ladysmith, a feminist research and advocacy consultancy.


Caroline Criado Perez’ Invisible Women

Our forever starter recommendation that exposes gender data gaps which have led to pervasive but invisible biases against women. She continues the work through her newsletter.

Katrine Marcal’s Mother of Invention

Stories that reveal the shocking ways our deeply ingrained perceptions of gender continue to negatively impact women, innovation and the economy. Check out her weekly Wealth of Women Newsletter.

Gender Jobs Newsletter

A weekly curated list of job opportunities in the gender equality space — ranging from non-profits, international organisations, consultancy firms, foundations, and more.

This is far from an exhaustive list, rather just a starting point. We hope to continue amplifying the work of gender and feminist practitioners around the world. And, visit the Unconforming Repository to dig into all of our previously shared resources!

This post is an excerpt from Unconforming: a newsletter about Design for Women. Unconforming goes out every two weeks and also shares learnings from experts, job and other opportunities, examples and articles — all to make an impact in the women’s space. Sign up here to get it in your inbox!

