Numbers for Sexist Doubters

A list for you, to send to anyone who believes gender inequality is a thing of the past


Dear Friends

India is going through a horrendous second wave. For a while, I just followed case counts, instead of really reading the news because it kept me from breaking down. For me, numbers can de-humanise. But numbers are also really powerful. When I encounter a gender gap doubter, it’s helpful to throw “proof” their way. So this week, I made you a list — for when you might encounter doubters. Forward widely.

Income gender gap (Global, WeForum)

Unpaid care work carried out by women (Global, Invisible Women)

$10.8 trillion
Women’s unpaid care work missing from GDP (Global, Oxfam).
PS: This number is 3x the size of the global tech industry.

97 billion hours
Collective time women spend per year waiting to use or searching for a bathroom (Global, Invisible Women)

57 extra phone calls
What black female founders need, on average, compared to white women, in order to secure VC funding (USA, primary research)

Number of Muslim women enrolled in primary school that make it to college (India, primary research)

Gender pension gap (Europe, Source)

Wealth gap between black women and white men (USA, Source)

1.8x → 2.6x
Fundraising advantage men have over women → Fundraising advantage men have over women, before and after an accelerator program (Emerging Markets, IFC)
PS: This is a result of “gender-neutral” accelerators. (via Jona R)

~$1.7 trillion
Financing gap for women-owned businesses (Emerging Markets, Source)

100–150 million people
Potential of people that would be lifted out of hunger if women are given equal access to productive resources in agriculture (Emerging Markets, IFAD)

Women are more likely to be undiagnosed following a heart attack (UK, Invisible Women)

More than 2x
Infant mortality rate between black and white live births (USA, Washington Post). This rate can be cut in half if the babies are cared for by doctors of the same race, a study has found.

12 years
Average time to diagnose endometriosis (USA, Source). Where does that pain go?

4x higher
Rate of depression among transgender women as compared to the general population (USA, Source)

2x higher
Women have twice the lifetime rates of depression and most anxiety disorders as compared to men (Worldwide, Source)

11x more
Discipline rates for Black girls vs. white girls in school (NYC/Boston, Source). In the wake of Ma’Khia Bryant’s killing, more on the disproportionate policing on Black women here.

Average reported rape cases per day (India, The Wire). A ton go unreported.

An average of 12 years to diagnose endometriosis. Wow. Apologies for being a Debbie Downer, but we’ve got to keep our comebacks ready!

Have you recently come across a women-focused number that made you pause? Hit reply or send it here and we’ll add it to the list!

This post is an excerpt from Unconforming: a newsletter about Design for Women. Unconforming goes out every two weeks and also shares learnings from experts, job and other opportunities, examples and articles — all to make an impact in the women’s space. Sign up here to get it in your inbox!

