What Happened on January 6th

Dr. Linet Mera
Unconscious Bias Project
3 min readJan 9, 2021
cracked window pane made of glass in front of a blurred background
Broken glass image credit: https://www.maxpixel.net/

What happened on January 6, 2021 is a clear presentation of white power and white supremacy. It is the logical consequence of what happens when our nation continues to permit and encourage white, cis-gender, heteronormative, male, able-bodied privilege to the detriment of all else. It is the moral and civic duty of our elected officials, White House, and every single person living on US soil or water to denounce and condemn these terrorists. It is our duty to direct blame squarely where it truthfully lies, in the hands of our soon-to-be former president Donald J. Trump and his acolytes for encouraging, goading, organizing, and exemplifying behavior that they quickly presented as acceptable.

It is no coincidence that the same police that forcibly pulled people with disabilities from their wheelchairs while at a peaceful protest are the same police that moved barriers aside to allow domestic white nationalist terrorists inside the barricade. It is no coincidence that the same National Guard that shot bullets at Native American peaceful protesters stayed calm and collected when it came to white men storming our nation’s congress.There was no antifa involved in any of this, this was planned, premeditated violence directed at the heart of our democracy.

We are a nonprofit dedicated to bringing programs for bias and unconscious bias reduction in workplaces and classrooms — why are we even saying anything about a political matter? Because it’s not. It is violence. Violence against the voice of millions. Violence against our elected officials that are here to uphold the laws of equity and human rights is a matter for everyone. Clear disregard for Black lives and BLM protesters derided as “thugs” and “looters” contrasted with “love” and “support” for white supremacist domestic terrorists who actually looted congress is no subtle unconscious bias — it is *overt* and flagrant discrimination, intimidation, and absolutely intentional hate towards Black people in all their intersections and their allies. There is no question in our mind what is right to do at this moment. And that is to condemn these acts, to demand our elected officials to remove Trump from office immediately, and to prosecute the perpetrators — for starters.

Our children are watching us, the world is watching us.

Please join us in doing what is right and necessary by contacting your elected officials right now to demand justice and accountability: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/

To those of you who are leaders, business owners, or organizers, we urge you to extend kindness and understanding to your employees, volunteers, and business partners. Provide access to counseling if available, and unquestioned paid leave for people to heal and resource themselves, especially for those that are not in the majority. Don’t forget to include yourself.

To our friends, family, loved ones, and members of UBP that are suffering right now — know that you are not alone. It is okay to seek comfort, help, and become resourced. We are here with you, we act with you, we support you, and we will fight together for justice. We will not quit, we will not falter, we will persevere until every person Black, Brown, Asian, First Nations, Hindu, Muslim, with a disability, non-neurotypical, queer, woman, elder, youth, immigrant, undocumented, Latinx, incarcerated, low income, unhoused, and more are treated with respect, dignity, and given equity in rights and resources so we are all able to hope, have a future, and pursue our dreams.

Alexis & Linet



Dr. Linet Mera
Unconscious Bias Project

(she/ella) Linet is a Latinx scientist turned DEI professional and is the Co-Executive Director of the Unconscious Bias Project operating in the Bay Area, CA.