Read Me First

Uncorrupted Islam
Published in
19 min readSep 14, 2018

The information presented in this book may come as a surprise to many Muslims and probably some Jews and Christians. At first glance, a reader might think of it as blasphemy. However, all Muslims, whether Sunni, Shiah, Druze, Alawi, Salafi, or whatever other sect, agree that the Quran is the truth. With that said, the information provided in this book is purely based on the Quran with references to verses to prove each claim. After reading this book with an unbiased and open mind, Muslims may wonder why the global Muslim community and Islamic scholars never realized the truth that this book proves. I believe the primary reason for this stems from Quran chapter 47 verse 24.

أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَاThen do they not study / think deeply about / understand the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts? (47:24)

The key word here is “tadabbur” which means “study / think deeply about to understand”.

Most Muslims are non-Arabic speakers. They read the Quran but don’t understand what they are reading. They could read translations in their own language but for some reason, they seem to think it’s better to read the Arabic Quran without understanding the words. Since the Quran is not written the way today’s books are written, even Arabic-speaking readers have a hard time understanding the meaning of it. And anyone who reads the Quran in their own language will still not necessarily understand its meaning because most people don’t actually think deeply to understand (tadabbur) each verse.

The purpose of this book is to help the reader understand various topics about the religion of Submission (Arabic: Islam) and the Quran so that they can use valid and logical arguments to make better decisions about their beliefs. Before embarking on this journey to learn the truth, it is highly recommended that you prepare yourself in the following ways.

  • Have the intention to discover the truth
  • Set aside all existing bias and traditions that you may have
  • Have an open mind to consider the arguments presented
  • Pretend that you are new to Islam
  • Have a sincere approach to the Quran by not imposing your own interpretation of it so that it supports your own personal desires

Proofs in this book that reference the Quran are shown in parentheses such as (16:123) which means Quran chapter 16 verse 123. All English translations are taken from Sahih International as I find them to be more accurate compared to others I’ve read and it tries to keep the word order more or less the same as the original Arabic text. However, in Sahih International English translations, I replaced the word “Allah” with “God” since Sahih International either forgot to or didn’t want to translate Allah as God even though they probably knew that Allah in Arabic means God in English.

Do not read this book with the intention to contradict and refute it, nor to believe and take it for granted, but to weigh and consider the proofs detailed herein.


San Francisco Bay Area, USA

Interesting Points

  1. Many Muslims consider Muhammad to be the leader of Islam.
    However, did you know that God told Muhammad to follow the religion of Abraham 16:123 which suggests that Abraham was/is the leader of Islam?
  2. Many Muslims believe that Islam began with Muhammad.
    However, did you know that Islam was founded at least as early as prophet Abraham? 22:78
  3. Many Muslims believe that they should follow Muhammad.
    However, did you know that God said that the best person in religion is he who follows the religion of Abraham? 4:125
  4. Many Muslims think that God gave Muhammad a message that was different from what God gave previous messengers.
    However, did you know that God gave the same message to all messengers including Moses and Jesus? 41:43
  5. Many Muslims believe that the religion enjoined upon prophet Moses (Judaism) and the religion enjoined upon prophet Jesus (Christianity) are different than the religion enjoined upon prophet Muhammad.
    However, did you know that all prophets and messengers of God had the same religion enjoined up them? In other words, the original religion of Judaism and Christianity are the same as original Islam during Muhammad’s time. 42:13 21:92–93 Furthermore, present day Judaism and Christianity are no longer like original Judaism and Christianity. As a matter of fact, God revealed the Quran to Muhammad to show Jews, Christians and others how they departed from the original religion of Islam taught to Abraham. 5:15 Unfortunately, like present day Judaism and Christianity, present day Islam is no longer like Islam during the time of prophet Muhammad as many Muslims have modified the religion based on questionable hadeeth written ~200 years after Muhammad’s death.
  6. Many Muslims believe that Jews and Christians are not Muslims.
    However, did you know that Jews and Christians who believe in one God and submit to that one God are also Muslims? 29:46
  7. Many Muslims think that it’s okay to blindly believe matters of religion without thinking and seeing proof to support their beliefs.
    However, did you know that God considers that the worst people are those who don’t think and use reason before believing in something? 8:22 Furthermore, did you know that God considers these blind followers to be more astray than cattle? 7:179 25:44
  8. Many Muslims think that it’s okay to read the Quran in Arabic without understanding the meaning.
    However, did you know that God expects you to not only understand but to think deeply about (reflect upon) the Quran? 47:24
  9. Many Muslims think that “Allah” is the universal name of God.
    However, did you know that “Allah” is just the Arabic translation of the word “God” See translation? Did you also know that God’s name is all good names? 17:110
  10. Many Muslims think that “Islam” is the universal name of the religion described in the Quran?
    However, did you know that “Islam” is just the Arabic translation of a pre-existing religion of all prophets which, in English, just means “Submission”?
  11. Many Muslims think that the name “Muslim” is the universal name of any follower of the religion of the Quran?
    However, did you know that the word “Muslim” is just the Arabic translation of the name of followers of a pre-existing religion of all prophets which, in English, just means “Submitter”? 22:78
  12. Many Muslims believe that you must believe in and follow the Quran in order be a Muslim.
    However, did you know that anyone who submits to the one true God, e.g. followers of Abraham before the Quran was revealed and some Jews and Christians, are also Muslim?
  13. Many Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet (nabi) and messenger (rasul).
    However, the Quran only states that he is the last prophet. There is no proof that he is the last messenger (rasul). 33:40
  14. Many Muslims exalt prophet Muhammad above all other messengers.
    However, did you know the Quran specifically states that all messengers including Moses and Jesus must be treated equally? 2:136
  15. Many Muslims seem to think that prophet Muhammad is more special than the other messengers or that he knows the future.
    However, did you know that Muhammad himself stated that he is not original among the messengers and that he doesn’t know the future. 46:9
  16. Many Muslims call themselves Sunni Muslims and consider themselves to be part of a unique sect of Islam compared to Shiite and other sects of Islam.
    However, did you know that God forbids Muslims from breaking up into and joining sects? 42:13 And did you know that if you join a sect of Islam, such as the Sunni sect, then Muhammad is not associated with you. 6:159
  17. Many Muslims believe that prophet Muhammad’s job was to deliver the Quran and come up with additional Islamic laws which are found in the hadith.
    However, did you know that Muhammad’s sole duty was to deliver the message that is the Quran? 5:99 42:48 13:40
  18. Many Muslims believe that the supposed hadith of the prophet Muhammad are necessary to supplement the Quran because the Quran is incomplete, not clear, and not detailed.
    However, did you know that God Himself states in the Quran that the Quran is complete 6:115 6:38, clear 16:89, and detailed? 6:114 12:111 41:3 11:1
  19. Many Muslims believe that the supposed hadith of the prophet Muhammad are necessary in order to learn how to pray.
    However, did you know that prophet Abraham 21:69–73, Moses and the Jews 2:40–43, and Jesus 19:31 prayed even though Muhammad wasn’t even born yet?
  20. Many Muslims believe that there is only one right way to pray.
    However, did you know that the way people pray today has been modified from how Prophet Abraham originally prayed? When people pray today, they recite the prayer of the prophets Muhammad and Abraham (salawaat). Obviously, when Abraham was alive, Muhammad had not been born yet. Therefore, Abraham couldn’t have prayed for Muhammad. Therefore, after Muhammad died, people must have added Muhammad as someone to pray for during their prayers. And for some reason, they decided to exclude praying for other prophets in between Abraham and Muhammad such as Moses and Jesus.
  21. Many Muslims believe that God specifically taught prophet Muhammad how to pray.
    However, did you know that God had already taught prophet Abraham how to pray (one of several rites in Islam) 2:128 and that many people already knew how to pray long before Muhammad was even born? 21:73
  22. Some Muslims think that they are automatically Mu’mins (believers).
    However, did you know that Muslims and Mu’mins are two different categories of people? The word “Muslim” in English is “Submitter”. In the context of Islam, it means anyone who submits to the one true God. Therefore, some Jews and Christians are technically Muslims as well. The word “Mu’min” means “Believer”. In the context of Islam, a Mu’min is only someone who believes in God, his angels, all of His Books (e.g. Torah, Injil, Quran), and all of his messengers (e.g. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad) and they consider all messengers to be equal. 49:14 2:285
  23. Many Muslims think that anyone who is not a Muslim is automatically a kafir (disbeliever).
    However, did you know that non-Muslims are not necessarily kafir? Did you know that someone becomes a kafir if and only if he has seen the truth in Islam and intentionally rejects it? 9:6
  24. Many Muslims believe that Jews and Christians are all wrong and that only Muslims are right.
    However, did you know that some Jews and Christians are also right? 3:113–114
  25. Many Muslims think that they correctly follow the Quran.
    However, did you know that many Muslims actually abandon the Qur’an? 25:30 This is possibly due to the fact that they take the hadith as Islamic law even though God forbids that. They read the Quran in Arabic throughout their lives yet they don’t understand Arabic.
  26. Many Muslims believe that the shahadah (testimony) to become a Muslim requires testifying that there is only one God and that Muhammad is God’s messenger.
    However, did you know that the shahadah in the Quran only contains testimony that there is only one God? There is no mention of Muhammad whatsoever. 3:18. This makes sense since Islam existed way before Muhammad was even born.
  27. Many Muslims think that paying zakah began with Muhammad.
    However, did you know that prophets Abraham, Lot, Isaac and Jacob 21:69–73, the people of prophet Ishmael 2:40–43, Jews 2:40–43, and prophet Jesus 19:31 all paid zakah?
  28. Many Muslims believe that fasting began with Muhammad.
    However, did you know that fasting began before Muhammad? 2:183
  29. Many Muslims think that the hadith is Islamic law.
    However, did you know that the Quran forbids any hadith after the Quran to be taken as Islamic law? 6:114 45:6 68:36–38
  30. Many Muslims think that they need to read various tafsir books to understand the Quran.
    However, did you know that the Quran itself is its best tafsir? 25:33
  31. Many Muslims like to refer to some hadith of the prophet Muhammad as the best hadith.
    However, did you know that God says that the best hadith is His own hadith, which is the Quran itself? 39:23
  32. Many Muslims like to use the hadith to judge on Islamic matters.
    However, did you know that judging by anything besides the Quran makes you a disbeliever (kafir)? 5:44
  33. Many Muslims believe that they must follow both the Quran and the supposed hadith of prophet Muhammad.
    However, did you know that Muhammad himself only followed the Quran? 10:15 46:9 6:50 7:203
  34. Many Muslims believe that every word that came out of Muhammad’s mouth was a revelation from God which therefore justifies the use of the hadith as Islamic law.
    However, did you know that God questioned Muhammad when he forbade something which God Himself never forbade which, in effect, proves that not everything Muhammad said came from God? 66:1
  35. Many Muslims believe the supposed hadith of the prophet Muhammad support the Quran.
    However, did you know that many hadith directly contradict the Quran? In Sahih al-Bukhari 1629 we read: “Narrated `Abdullah: I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) forbidding the offering of prayers at the time of sunrise and sunset.” How is it possible that God instructs people to pray at sunset (maghrib) whereas Muhammad forbids it? Following are some other examples.
  36. Many Muslims believe that some hadith are acceptable and some hadith are not acceptable. As a result, they pick and choose which hadith they want to follow for Islamic law and guidance.
    However, did you know that God specifically forbids this? 68:36–38
  37. Many Muslims believe that simply following the beliefs and practices of the majority, for example, majority Muslim belief, is the right thing to do.
    However, did you know that the Quran states that following the majority will mislead you? 6:116
  38. Many Muslims believe that blindly obeying leaders, such as Islamic leaders, and their beliefs without seeing proof is the right thing to do.
    However, did you know that doing that will mislead you? 33:67
  39. Many Muslims think that they only have to believe in the Quran and they don’t have to believe in the Jewish Torah nor the Christian Injil.
    However, did you know that in order to be a mu’min (believer), one must believe in all books of God including the Torah and Injil? 2:285
  40. Many Muslims believe that since verse 4:59 instructs them to obey Muhammad, they believe that means they should follow the hadith.
    However, did you know that in the Quran God also instructs believers to “obey” the authorities contemporaneous to Muhammad 4:59 and to obey other messengers 4:64 which should lead you to believe that obeying Muhammad doesn’t mean take his hadith as Islamic law?
  41. Many Muslims believe that Muhammad guided and warned people using his day-to-day hadith.
    However, did you know that the Quran states that Muhammad only guides and warns with the Quran? 50:45 6:19
  42. Some Muslims argue that some verses in the Quran are unclear and therefore, the hadith is required to clarify these unclear verses.
    However, did you know that God intentionally made some verses unclear as a test for people who may intentionally misinterpret them? 3:7
  43. Many Muslims like to adamantly say something is halal or haram without even seeing proof of their claims.
    However, did you know that prohibiting what is halal and vice versa is itself forbidden? 16:116 5:87
  44. Many Muslims believe that Arabic is a holy language because the Quran is in Arabic.
    However, did you know that The Quran is in Arabic only because Muhammad and his people spoke Arabic? 42:7 41:44 God only sends messengers to people who speak the language of their people. 14:4 The Jewish Torah and the Christian Injil are also books from God and Muslims must believe in them 2:285 yet they were not written in Arabic. The message that God sent to all messengers is the same 41:43 which means that, since other messengers spoke different languages, then Arabic could not be a uniquely holy language.
  45. Many Muslims believe that they are well-informed Muslims who are nothing like the idol worshippers from long ago.
    However, did you know that idol worshippers long ago just blindly believed their ancestors without seeking proof which is no different than many Muslims nowadays who blindly believe their society and ancestors who mix culture and customs with religion? 21:52–68 2:170
  46. Many Muslims assume that certain people such as descendants or relatives of prophets are automatically righteous.
    However, did you know that most of prophet Abraham and prophet Noah’s descendants were unrighteous? 57:26, 37:113, 2:124 The wives of prophet Noah and prophet Lot, despite living with them, remained unrighteous. 66:10 Prophet Noah’s son was of evil conduct. 11:46 Pharaoh’s wife was righteous despite being married to one of the worst tyrants. 11:46 Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) wives were threatened with twice the punishment if their conduct was unrighteous. 33:30
  47. Many Muslims don’t believe that black magic is real.
    However, did you know that the Quran proves that black magic is real? 2:102
  48. Many Muslims believe that it is forbidden for Muslim men to wear gold and silk.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran and that whoever judges by other than the Quran is a disbeliever (kafir) 5:44?
  49. Some Muslims believe that certain people, e.g. prophet Muhammad, can help them on the Day of Judgment.
    However, did you know that no one will be able to help anyone on that day? 82:17–19 2:48 2:123 2:254
  50. Some Muslims believe that Muhammad had special abilities to know the unseen.
    However, verse 7:188 clearly proves that he did not know the unseen.
  51. Many Muslims believe that it is forbidden to listen to music or to sing.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran and that whoever judges by other than the Quran is a disbeliever (kafir) 5:44?
  52. Many Muslims believe that Muslim women must cover their hair.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran? In verse 24:31 the command is for women to cover their chests / bosoms (Arabic: juyubihinna). Though the verse indicates that women can cover their breasts with their head covers, likely because head covers were commonly worn at the time, the context of the verse makes it clear that the instruction is to cover the breasts, not the hair.
  53. Many Muslims believe that Muslim boys must be circumcised.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran? It’s actually a Jewish law that comes from the Torah. Genesis 17 verses 10–14
  54. Many Muslims believe that they must fast until maghrib.
    However, did you know that fasting is until night time (Arabic: layl) which is after maghrib? 2:187
  55. Many Muslims think that Muslim women must be pure or not be menstruating or must make ablution before touching the Quran.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran? Verses 56:77–79 clearly indicate that there is another book which is well-guarded (Arabic: maknuun) which contains the Quran and it is that book that only the purified can touch. In verses 85:21–22 we see that this guarded book is called the Guarded Tablet (Lauh Al-Mahfouz). In verse 13:39, we see that it is also called Mother of the Book (Umm Al-kitab).
  56. Many Muslims believe that menstruating women are not required to fast.
    However, did you know that they are actually required to fast unless their menstruating is painful and harmful for them? 2:185
  57. Many Muslims think that Muslim women are not allowed to pray while menstruating because menstrual blood is impure.
    However, there is absolutely no prohibition against women praying while menstruating. The only restrictions to prayer are listed in verses 13:39 and 4:43. Contrarily, verses 3:193–195 say that no one’s deeds, whether male or female, will be lost. Furthermore, verse 51:56 states that the primary purpose for which God created man and jinn is to worship Him. Since the average menstruation period can last up to 7 days per month, then if women don’t pray (worship God) during this time, up to 25% of their lives would be void of worshipping God.
  58. Many Muslims believe that they are not allowed to pay interest, e.g. on a home loan.
    However, did you know that the prohibition regarding interest is only regarding charging interest, not paying interest? 2:275
  59. Many Muslims believe that they must circle the Kaa’ba 7 times during Umrah or Hajj?
    However, did you know that you only need to circle it once? 22:29
  60. Many Muslims believe that they must wash their feet when performing ablution.
    However, did you know that you only have to wipe your feet? 5:6
  61. Many Muslims believe that dogs are impure and that it is forbidden to have them, e.g. as pets.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran? As a matter of fact, verse 5:4 states that you can have trained hunting dogs (Arabic: mukallibeen) and you can even eat the animals that these dogs catch and bring to you with their teeth.
  62. Many Muslims believe that it is forbidden to have statues or pictures of animate objects in one’s home.
    However, did you know that there is no such law in the Quran?
  63. Many Muslims don’t believe that aliens exist.
    However, did you know that aliens actually do exist? 42:295
  64. Many Muslims believe that the Jewish prayer is unlike the Muslim prayer.
    However, did you know that the original Jewish prayer form is very similar to the Muslim prayer form? To Pray as a Jew
  65. Many Muslims believe that they must pray in Arabic.
    However, did you know that there is no prohibition against praying in a language other than Arabic and that you must understand what you say during prayer 30:22 and that many prophets before Muhammad did not speak Arabic yet they prayed?
  66. Many Muslims believe that you are allowed to shorten your prayer while on vacation.
    However, did you know that you may only shorten your prayer if you are in danger? 4:101
  67. Many Muslims believe that women don’t have to pray in congregation on Fridays?
    However, did you know that all believers, both men and women, must pray in congregation on Fridays? 62:9
  68. Many Muslims believe that you should say “inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raajiuun” when someone dies.
    However, did you know that that statement should be said whenever someone is afflicted by any form of misfortune, not just death? 2:155–156
  69. Many Muslims believe that their suffering and misfortune must be due to some mistake they made in the past.
    However, did you know that God will test everyone regardless of whether they’ve made a mistake or not? 2:214
  70. Many Muslims believe that they must perform ablution by performing each step 3 times.
    However, did you know that you only need to perform each step once? 5:6
  71. Many Muslims believe that you should pray quietly?
    However, did you know that you are supposed to pray with a moderate volume? 17:110
  72. Many Muslims believe that Jesus is not dead and/or he will come back?
    However, did you know that Jesus is dead 21:34 and will not come back?
  73. Many Muslims believe that the Christian Bible teaches the doctrine of the Trinity.
    However, did you know that the verses supporting the Trinity doctrine were man-made additions and not part of the original Bible? In verses 1 John 5:7–8 of Codex Sinaiticus (a copy of the Bible written around 350 CE), there is no implication of the trinity whereas the same verses in the King James Bible (written in 1600 CE) does. Clearly the King James version contains an adulteration of a more original version of the bible.
  74. Some Muslims believe that God may forgive their disbelieving (kafir) relatives if they pray for them.
    However, did you know that God would not even forgive disbelievers even if prophet Muhammad himself asked God 70 times to forgive them. 9:80
  75. Some Muslims believe that they are not allowed to be friends with Jews and Christians. Their justification may be Quran verse 5:51 or because they think Jews and Christians are automatically unrighteous.
    However, not only are some Jews and Christians righteous 3:113–114, but verse 5:57 clarifies verse 5:51 by only forbidding friendship with Jews and Christians who ridicule Islam.
  76. Many Muslims believe that payment of zakat is only required by Muslims.
    However, the Quran indicates that polytheists 41:7 and Jews 2:43 also had to pay zakat which suggests that zakat is required for everyone, not just Muslims.
  77. Some Muslims believe that they do not have to make a will before death.
    However, the Quran indicates that it is a duty for all righteous Muslims to make a will and to be fair in how they decide to distribute their assets. 2:180.
  78. Some Muslims believe that forcing matters of religion on others is allowed, e.g. by parents or the government.
    However, the Quran clearly indicates that there shall be no compulsion in religion 2:256.
  79. Many Muslims believe that Muslim men must wear two white pieces of seamless cloth (like beach towels) while performing umrah and hajj.
    However, nowhere in the Quran is there this requirement. Contrarily, the Quran states that one must adorn themselves at every mosque 7:31. Since the Masjid Al Haram is a mosque, then Muslims should dress nicely (adorn themselves) when there.
  80. Many Muslims believe that the Hajj pilgrimage may only be done during one 5 day period each year.
    However, the Quran makes it clear that there are multiple months (Arabic: ash-hur) during which one may perform the Hajj. 2:197. With everyone performing the Hajj during the same 5 days each year, it’s no wonder it’s overcrowded resulting in accidents and deaths from people getting trampled on.
  81. Some, if not many, Muslims are racist, discriminatory and have a superiority complex both towards some other Muslims and towards some non-Muslims.
    However, the Quran, using Satan as an example, makes it clear that that type of behavior is completely unacceptable. In verses 15:28–33 Satan, being a jinn, felt superior to Adam, who was a human, and therefore Satan refused to bow down before Adam when instructed to do so by God. As a result of his actions, Satan will go to Hell to abide therein forever.
  82. Many Muslims believe that they may only eat halal meat and that halal meat is meat from an animal that was slaughtered while God’s name was pronounced.
    However, the Quran states that God’s name should be pronounced before eating any food 6:118, not just meat. Some Muslims incorrectly take verse 22:36 as proof that God’s name must be pronounced before slaughtering animals for food. However, that verse clearly has to do with animal sacrifice during Hajj. As a matter of fact, pronouncing God’s name is something that should be done throughout the Hajj 22:27–28 2:203 2:198 2:200, not just when slaughtering sacrificial animals during the hajj.
  83. Many Muslims believe that Zam Zam water is blessed water.
    However, there is absolutely no mention in the Quran of Zam Zam water. There is, however, a mention of the healing power of honey 16:68–69 and of blessed rain water 50:9.
  84. Many Muslims believe that they must walk back and forth between Safa and Marwa while doing the Hajj.
    However, the Quran makes it clear that doing this is optional. In verse 2:158 God says that one is not “at fault” for walking between Safa and Marwa. Considering the fact that during Muhammad’s time there were many pagans occupying Mecca, those who converted to Islam may have added their tradition of walking between Safa and Marwa. Consequently, it is likely that for this reason, God decided to allow them to continue that practice by saying that they are not at fault for continuing to do so. If God had ordered people to walk between Safa and Marwa, He would not have said that they are not at fault for doing that.
  85. When thinking about Muslim people, some people first think of Arabs as if the majority of Muslims are Arabs.
    However, Arab Muslims are a minority considering the global Muslim population. Seven of the top eight most populated Muslim countries are non-Arab countries. They make up 58.7% of the global Muslim population. They are Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iran and Turkey. Projections indicate that by 2050 India will have the world’s largest population of Muslims, with estimates expected to reach at least 300 million.
  86. Many Muslims assume that Quran translations into their native language are correct translations.
    However, did you know that many translators change the meaning of some verses to support their personal belief as to what a verse should mean rather than what it actually means? Consider part of verse 24:31 which is often used as proof that women must cover their hair.

The correct translation of the excerpt above is “… and draw their coverings over their bosoms…”

Consider also verse 45:6 and the two translations below. In this case, Sahih International gets it right.

