Faces of Uncountable

Meet Byron Deorosan, Customer Success Manager

Bryon talks about Uncountable’s culture and workflow

Josh Wagner
Uncountable Engineering


WWe’re happy to present a series of interviews with members of the Uncountable team. The purpose of these is to shed light on the people behind our platform, including their professional backgrounds, what led them to join our team, and what they work on behind the scenes.

Today’s interview is with Byron Deorosan, Customer Success Manager at Uncountable.

Employee Profile: Byron Deorosan — Customer Success Manager

UNC: Could you please briefly introduce yourself?

Byron: My name is Byron Deorosan and I am originally from Alexanderia, Louisiana. I started at Louisiana Tech with an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering and a graduate degree in the same from Purdue University. At Uncountable, I’m the Customer Success Manager.

UNC: What problems do you have ownership of and solve at Uncountable?

Byron: The main thing I work on each day at Uncountable is getting people excited to use [our platform]. That goes towards training, initial onboarding, implementation, and touches downstream processes they’re trying to execute.

I’m their guide that makes sure they can get everything they need and get the outcomes they seek.

UNC: How does your engineering background help in that work?

Byron: I have to be able to speak the language. Let’s say [the customer] needs help with tensile testing, or trying to assess the quality of a sample output, or whether or not a particular process ended up generating the kind of output they desired. Being able to understand where they’re coming from, look back at my own experiences, and try to figure out how I would have tried to do the same thing when I was a student, and then leverage that knowledge for the sake of the client.

UNC: How would you describe the culture at Uncountable?

Byron: A great mix of attention to detail, but at the same time being very laid back in our interactions with one another.

We, of course, know the work needs to get done and be done appropriately, but that doesn’t mean we need to carry an attitude of wanting to control everything, or snap at each other, that kind of thing. I’ve seen otherwise at other places, but here it’s a beautiful mix of being able to do both — being laid back in terms of your activities day to day, but at the same time getting everything done on time with good attention to detail.

UNC: What should people outside of the company know about Uncountable that is not obvious at first glance?

Byron: [Before I joined,] I knew Uncountable had a lot of heavy-hitter clients; a lot of very large companies that are highly respected. What I did not know was how incredibly active the new signups are. In the few weeks I’ve been here, we’ve signed a number of new clients who believe in what we can do for them. Whenever you do come onboard, you’ll not be wanting for work — there’s plenty for everyone to do.

UNC: Is there anything you’d want to tell interested individuals about applying to Uncountable?

Byron: You may be curious as to whether or not you need a science background, whether that be chemistry, biology, physics. I can definitely tell you that if you’re doing Customer Success, it can help you out a lot in terms of customer interactions and being able to speak the language they speak.

[Clients are] going to get on the phone call and immediately start talking about the complexities of what they’re trying to achieve. They have the expectation that the person they’re going to be speaking to is able to understand what they’re saying and why it’s important.

If you have a science background you are able to come in with that vocabulary and immediately hit the ground running. It affords you the ability to get up to speed quicker and get on client calls quicker as well. If you have that type of technical background, it’s a huge asset for you.

This transcript has been condensed and lightly edited for clarity.

Byron during the Q&A

