Crypto Links from Token Fest

Vladislav Ginzburg
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2018

Uncrypt @ TokenFest has been a lot of fun so far. Highlights include recent Sunset Crypto Podcast guest Alex Mashinsky speaking in the auditorium area, some very exciting blockchain projects enjoying their first marketing exposure, and a really solid Mexican themed buffet lunch.

These conferences tend to be a bit of a black hole. While interacting and meeting with all these great blockchain companies, you tend to be a bit out of the loop on whats happening on the news elsewhere. Not to worry, Uncrypt has eyes and ears everywhere. We’ll cover links today and the conference as a whole tomorrow as it’s wrapping up. On to links:

This is a bit unorthodox, as we usually stick to news items in this space. However, I’m going to take the opportunity of being in California to talk some shit about Californians. Namely, Representative Brad Sherman of Californias District 30. During the recent Congressional hearing on Cryptocurrency, Mr. Sherman put on a show of ignorance with the following comments: “Cryptocurrencies are a crock.” He goes on to talk about how crypto helps terrorists, tax evaders and money launderers commit fraud.

Well Brad, if you’re going to stand up on a soapbox, you’re going to have to accept the spotlight being pointed at you. Here’s a link to Brad Sherman on I hope you’re sitting down for this, but Brad Sherman sits on the financial services committee and receives the majority of his campaign donations from the Securities & Investments industry. Gasp!

Looking a bit further, you’ll see that his top donor this year was something called Allied Wallet; an online payments platform that allows users and companies to make payments across many fiat currencies. So let’s get this straight…a Congressperson is bankrolled by a mobile payments platform and industry that is at risk of being disrupted by technologies that will do the job faster and less expensively…and is speaking out AGAINST Bitcoin? Excuse me while I clutch my pearls.

This quote stood out to me…”[cryptos] allow a few dozen men in my district to sit in their pajamas all day and tell their wives they’re going to be millionaires.” So Brad believes that this is an unacceptable way to make money, but uses his Congressional seat as a pulpit from which to be a paid spokesperson…that’s totally fine and legitimate.

There are hundreds of talented, legitimate and socially conscious entrepreneurs who have descended upon Brad’s home state to share their exciting projects.

No men in pajamas or terrorists here. So, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up Brad Sherman.

