I like Links, You like Links…Let’s Do This

Vladislav Ginzburg
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018

If you’re following Bitcoin news, Crypto Twitter, or whatever other rabbit hole you choose to pummel through, you’ve probably heard of Lightning Network: the off-chain scaling solution for Bitcoin. You’ve probably even considered running a Lightning Network node. But you don’t even really know what it is do you? Don’t worry, we won’t tell. Bang it here for a really good 101 on LN.

I actually got a phone call from a family member today asking if I was excited about the news that Germany has “officially legalized Bitcoin.” At this point, I’m not even sure what “officially legalizing Bitcoin” even means. That said, Deutschland actually has published a legal guideline for cryptocurrency, specifying that the taxable event happens when crypto is exchanged for Fiat, but will not be taxed as such if used to buy merchandise. What?! Simple and fair tax guidance for cryptocurrency? What, is the Chancellor of Germany some kind of Quantum scientist or something? Must be nice to have a leader like that…Anyway, check this Coindesk article for more info on ze Germans and their approach to Crypto tax…then write your congressperson to demand the same.

@Uncrypt_Will and I like to do a segment on #sunsetcrypto called Best and Worst of Crypto Twitter. This…this is the best of both worlds. Waltonchain with the epic social media fail

We’re not recording again until next week, so let’s just go ahead and add this to Best/Worst of Crypto Twitter. Yes, I’m obsessed.

Look, the libertarian in me is all about the oldest profession adopting crypto. That said, is Bitcoin really the best choice? The whole point is totally immutable and transparent proof of transaction. Kind of hard to unleash your inner Shaggy and claim “wasn’t me” when a miner spent the equivalent of an average household’s yearly electricity usage on a proof of work validation of your wallet address sending BTC to Lady Marmalade. Maybe try Monero? Dash? Or These Guys

I’ve actually heard about some international startups looking to domicile in Lichtenstein due to friendly Crypto legislation. Well, this pretty much seals it.

