I didn’t have the heart to tell her…

Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2020
(Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels)


I’m sat in a room with tech everywhere.
My better half is not too pleased.
I am now pulling the 3D print filament and brims,
From her hair.
As she lay on the sofa to watch soaps.
And did so, on top what I only put down for a second!

I didn’t have the heart to tell her.

The constant whirring of the 3D printer.
And light pollution from flickering acceptance tests
And platform updates.

7am to 12am.

She wonders what it would be like in silence.

It’s a late night every night.

Yet, it’s passion that keeps me going.
Day after day.
Hour after hour.
I get into bed late.
And the whirring stops.

I hand her a little heart I printed,

She stretched to a smile as she clasps her hand around it.
I smile too.

As it’s a colour changing filament.
She sees my smile mirroring hers.

Yet I’m wondering how long the print
takes to change.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her.




Tech Advisers & ICT Strategists. Evolving fitter places, one transition at a time.