You Picked The Wrong Side of the JavaScript Fight

And nobody is winning!

Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2020


The war inside the JavaScript community doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s running for many years and people are fighting which one is the best.

But if you joined the war and picked one of the frameworks as your weapons, you’re picking the wrong side.

I Won’t Join The JavaScript War

To be honest I’ve never picked a framework to believe in it as a sort of religion. I started with jQuery because it gave me the feeling of having superpowers. Even though I didn’t understand it for 100%.

It was not my religion, but I did know how to sort of use it. I knew the basics to create simple animations which gave the feeling of being on 🔥.

Years later I discovered AngularJS. My lead developer showed me what cool thing he could do with it. This gave me back the feeling of having superpowers.

But I didn’t know other frameworks at that time, so nothing to declare a war against.

When React came out I wasn’t onboard. I was into AngularJS, so I saw no reason.

A few months later the library pulled my interest to try something new. So I did a few experiments with it and I liked it.



I’m a 🇳🇱 lead frontend developer who writes about WebDev | JavaScript | TypeScript | Vuejs | Web Components | Design Systems | NuxtJS | StencilJS | CSS