Eric Lanigan at

Building Emotional Frameworks for Motivation with Eric Lanigan

Andrew Frawley
Under 30 Changemakers


In anticipation of the upcoming Under 30 Changemakers Summit this September, Under 30 Changemakers has set up an exclusive with one of our top coaches and workshop facilitators: Eric Lanigan.

Who is Eric Lanigan?

Eric Lanigan’s specialty is helping people create mindsets for motivation on scary creative projects like a book, a research project or editing videos from a trip.

In other words, that big side project you’ve been telling yourself to do? He’ll help you crush it.

However, Eric Lanigan wasn’t always the master of his mind.

Like many, at a young age, Eric was motivated by money in the stock market and the validation it brought with it.

Shortly after one particular stock market loss, Eric had a bizarre experience of complete joy. This so confounded him that he started questioning why he was so intently focused on making money.

That winter Eric quit trading, and over the next few years he attended more than 20 personal growth seminars, trainings, and retreats. Still feeling a lack, he traveled in search of the best tools for growth, and the path he followed was unpredictable. One month he was visiting Shamans in the rainforests of Ecuador, the next he was back in the US leading an online international meditation training. Two months later he was living with and studying under a horse whisperer in rural Canada.

Over these years Eric dismantled his ego and found himself in a curious place: he had no motivation.

Dismantling his ego was supposed to solve everything, but it was his ego that used to fuel him and he didn’t have a replacement.

Unfortunately, to do better, to be the deep versions of ourselves, that ego can be a roadblock. For Eric, dismantling his ego was supposed to solve everything, but his ego used to fuel him and everything he did.

He now had nothing to motivate him to wake up. What was supposed to be the new age turned into misery.

Eric had a new journey ahead of him. But it was a journey for him. He had broken free of his ego and now was in pursuit of his new emotional framework.

Eric had a new journey ahead of him, finding an internal source of motivation.

Today, that’s what Eric teaches. He helps others get up in the morning feeling connected and alive.

To meet Eric and talk motivation, snag a ticket for the upcoming Under 30 Changemakers Summit on September 7th 2017, where leaders, creators and problem-solvers go to build winning frameworks.



Andrew Frawley
Under 30 Changemakers

Advocating for well-being and mental health through politics ~~~ Past: #2 hire/Director of MKTG Andrew Yang 2020 Presidential