conscious money & why every creator needs to understand this.

Anita Wing Lee
Under 30 Changemakers
4 min readJul 1, 2017

We can’t be afraid of money.

And fear around money shows up in backwards ways. It can show up as fear of having too much, at the same time as fear of not having enough. Fear that it’s going to stop coming in, at the same time as fear of it being spent.

When I was first starting on my creative/entrepreneurial path, I had the gut instinct that I needed to stick with this, even through the hardships, because it was really my spiritual path. The road to being a creator for a living forced me to face my deepest beliefs and fears. It was like personal growth bootcamp.

Photo by Mark Anthony Diaz

Coming to terms with money was a BIG piece of this. I had to learn how to relate to money consciously.

As a content creator on multiple platforms and on topics that varied from meditation to minimalism, travel tips to life coaching, my income didn’t come to me from a steady paycheque from one source.

I couldn’t rely on the “get a job = making a living” equation anymore.

I want to share what I’ve learned over the past two years, because I’ve seen how fear around money stops people from following their dreams and making the difference they want to make.

And the more people who have the courage to live their dreams and know how to wield money as a force for good, not greed, the better the whole world will be. Let’s get started.

Conscious money is about being aware of your emotional relationship with money. It’s being aware of the blueprint you received from your family or culture.

Once you are aware, you get to consciously choose if you want to have the same blueprint or create a more rewarding one.

Then we don’t accidentally kink up the flow of abundance that is naturally streaming to us. Unconscious money is when we simply repeating what other people say about money: there’s never enough. I don’t have enough. I have to struggle to make money. Rich people are filthy/greedy.

See, that “never enough” story? That’s a blueprint and if we let it run our whole lives, we will forever be chasing more.

If we’re not conscious about the blueprint we received from family or culture, it can be easy to get sucked into thinking that my networth = my self worth. “I am only as valuable as the money I make.” That kind of thinking is damaging, not only to our creativity, but also to our souls.

So what does a life of conscious money look like?

It starts with understanding the true purpose and power of money. Money itself is neutral. It is a construct of our society created to exchange value. It’s the intentions and thought that we put into money that give it power over us. We get to choose if it’s a negative or positive force in our lives.

Money is a tool and resource. Money is an instrument for our soul. It’s a resource that we can use to live our highest purpose.

We have other resources too, like time, energy, passion, love and friends who support us. Money is just one of these resources. It’s not the end all, be all.

A life with conscious money means that we intentionally use money to reflect our highest values and commitments.

How would I really live my life if money were no object?

What makes me feel truly fulfilled?

What is my life about?

What do I value?

We have to answer these questions honestly and then decide to live by them. It’s a daily orientation to spend, circulate and invest our money in the things that deeply fulfil us, not just look good on the outside.

For me, once I started to unravel my money blueprint, I could see through all the scarcity beliefs that marketing and society had taught me.

As I carve our a path as a creator in the world, I’ve found that people can have weird assumptions and insecurities about money that sometimes get directed to people online.

My hope and intention for sharing my learnings about money on this path is that, you’ll discover what I’ve discovered: we are already abundant. When we can learn to work with money, and not against it, it becomes an empowering vehicle for us to create freely, earn freely and give freely.

If you enjoyed this read, let me know in the comments below!

I’m constantly gaining a deeper understanding of money and want to share more about conscious money and abundance. Let me know if you have specific questions or areas you’d like hear more about!

Hi, I’m Anita Wing Lee. Plug into my web of online creations for more:

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Youtube: Anita Wing Lee
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Anita Wing Lee
Under 30 Changemakers

Writer, filmmaker, adventurer sharing life full of wonder and possibility | Explore: | Watch more: