Why Complicate Life?

Keep things simple

Michael Gebben
2 min readApr 12, 2014

This will be about keeping it simple. I got this quote that I really like.

“Why complicate life?”

Missing somebody? Call them.

Wanna meet up? Invite some friends to meet up.

Wanna be understood? Explain.

Have questions? Ask.

Don’t like something? Say it.

Like something? State it.

Want something? Ask for it.

Love someone? Tell them.

We just have one life. Keep it simple.

You know what I love about that? What I love about that is that it is so true but we all complicate things. Even myself, I wanna keep things simple and I’ll know the simple way to do it but then I’ll complicate it then I’ll come back to the simple way. Sometimes, we just need to start simple. How can we keep things simple? We always wanna make everything so complicated when in reality, if you have questions, you can just ask. All through our lives we’re told that we should be afraid of asking questions, be afraid of doing these things.

I just listened to an interview from a billionaire and her dad told asked her when she was younger, “What have you failed at this week?” Do you tell your kids that? Do you ask, “What have you failed at?” “What mistakes did you do?” That’s a big thing. Go out there and don’t be afraid to ask questions, to ask that person on a date, to email that person, to make that phone call. You really have nothing to lose but everything to gain. I’ve said it before. The worst thing that’s gonna happen is you get a “No” but you get a “No” when you don’t ask. At least that way, you have an opportunity for something good that will happen when you try, when you ask, when you do.

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Michael Gebben

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