You Are Not Alone

We’re in this together and I believe in you

Michael Gebben
2 min readApr 9, 2014

We all need to hear this from somebody from time to time. It doesn’t matter who it is but I wanna be that voice for you today saying, “You are not alone.” You are not the only person on the planet that has struggles, pains, hopes, dreams, desires and all these different things that you want to see happen but are just afraid. You are not the only person who thinks of what would happen if you take a chance or risk. “Will I fail miserably?” “Will I fall on my face?” “Will I be made fun of?” “Will my friends, family or co-workers think I’m crazy?”

I can tell you one thing. Sometimes, when people think you’re crazy, you can be on to the right thing. I know so many times in my personal life, when people looked at me and thought, “Okay, what are you doing?” Those are the times where I can end up proving them wrong. It might not happen immediately but that’s also why you have to find something that you are so passionate about and you love to do so much. Then, you’ll get through the difficult times.

Things aren’t easy but it’s so worth it to go after something you love and desire. It doesn’t have to be entrepreneurship. That could be a job that you love and enjoy. It doesn’t matter what it is in life. Find that thing that lights you up because it’s a lot better to work hard at something you love than something you hate. No matter what in life, to really crush it, we have to work our butts off.

Go out there. Rock the day and realize that you are not alone in this journey. You are not alone in this battle. We’re in this together and I believe in you. I know you have what you need right inside of you. Go out and rock the day!

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Michael Gebben

When I HEAR you, I can HELP YOU. Turning Blindspots to Breakthroughs⚡️ ❤️ 🔧