The last place you look

Russell Matney
Under a well
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2013


This won’t help you
Because we’re all different
But if you want,
I’ll tell you how I found it.
It was a lazy Sunday night
I picked up a Yoo-hoo
Arizona green tea
Swedish fish
Half a pint of ben and jerry’s
Strawberry cheesecake.
Nothing else.
Then I sat on my bed
In my man cave
Watching planet earth
Remembering our natural history museum musings
And our harry met sally isms
And the way you popped my pimple on a train platform
And how it didn’t bother me
And there, on my bed, on that platform, everywhere, it was.
I found it.

I poked it a little to see if it was real
I tossed it around a little.
I wanted to see how strong it was
I wanted to dissect it and figure it out
I wanted to see what it looked like, really
I traced it in my notebook
I wrote all about it
I watched it on tv
I built a website for it
I interviewed it, its parents, its siblings, even its first grade teacher and its childhood babysitter, who were both available for interview
I took it around my world
I showed it all my favorite things
I explained about local vs express trains
That you should never take the black cabs no matter what, just don’t
My buildings up on the roof, what their names were,
the view of the bridge, the view from the bridge
Some of the buildings that I like in the city
Some that I don’t.

If you really want it
You can find it
I won’t tell you where to look
I’ll tell you to stop looking

