First thing this morning

Russell Matney
Under a well
Published in
1 min readFeb 16, 2014


She says:
we were driving
and you pulled over to turn around
and it was muddy
and another car, a BMW, swerved and flipped over
and it’s driver, a Beagle, flew out into the mud
and he was sinking into the mud and had hurt his back
and he was so angry and scared and said “Why did you do that?”
we scooped him up and had him on the floorboards and were driving him
and his phone rang
and he answered it
and I could only hear his side of the conversation
and he sounded so scared
“Yeah, it’s me. I got hit. No. Yeah. They’re taking me to Woodbridge animal hospital. I… I think so. I don’t know. My face.”
but then I woke up, and I don’t know what happened to him

Isn’t that the worst dream you ever heard?

