Much Debate around the office about how “real” these “real Facts” Are, specifically due to their “excessive” use of quotes

It’s for suckers

Russell Matney
Under a well
2 min readApr 16, 2013


transitions and line breaks are very important
to me
but I hate change. I fight it! like a madman!
for instance
I’m supposed to be a fully-fledged adult by now, but
I’ve been wearing this ninja turtles T-shirt for about 4 days in a row,
and I’m not about to change it tomorrow
I’ll never grow up. Some lost boy in me always wants to be a lost boy.
And really, that lost boy is right.
Growing up is for suckers.

You have to learn how to eat well and not drink 5 cups of coffee in 40 minutes.
You have to exercise or one day your back hurts and you feel sick all the time.
You have to go to work and care about it or it’ll suck to be there.
But you can’t care about it too much or the rest of your life will fall to pieces.
All of sudden I can’t just eat pizza and ice cream all the time.
But I still do.

Things keep coming up. It’s really hard.
The other day I woke up and I had to move to a new apartment even though NO PART OF ME wanted to.
And I squirmed and whined and told everyone and myself that I hated it.
But nope. Still doing it. And it’s going to be good for me (I hope).
Transition sucks. Change sucks.

Change is good. Transition is good.
I think change is great for the soul.
Adapting, reacting, surviving: you need it, you need to stay on your toes
And what better way to keep that lost boy strong
Than to never get quite comfortable enough to grow up?
Like I said, growing up is for suckers.

