The Return of the Prodigal Son / Rembrandt


Micah Cowsik-Herstand
1 min readJun 13, 2013

Just stop,
For a minute.
Please redefine,
This gift to me.
For ten
All I knew was
An eye for an eye.
Hate meets hate.
Forget me nots were
Forget me, knots in
My belly, so empty.

So excuse me,
If I am cautious.
Excuse my… hesitation.
‘Cause this forgiveness you speak of?
It’s a distant foreign relation.
And redemption?
Sounds absurd.
What have I to be redeemed?
And my soul?
What a word.
Never such importance deemed.

But continue anyway,
I feel these words are true.
For restoration, from hesitation, feels fresh as morning dew.
So please relay what you’ve to say,
It’s warmth and strength will make me gay,
Ha! Gay – a term, so lost to me,
Until your might hath set me free.
So I will take this freedom here,
To make a life, to understand – sheer
Wisdom, brilliance, patience too,
And love I have received from you.



Micah Cowsik-Herstand

User advocate, software engineer, actor, musician, writer, researcher, #steminist. ‘On a scale from 1 to over-trusting, I am pretty damn naive.’ ~@KaySarahSera