How Excessive Screen Time Affect Your Brain & Body May Startle You

Now is the time to reclaim your life and put the danger away from your eyes.

Under-grad Survival Book


Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

With heavy puff eyes, feeling extreme pain in my nape and on the crown of my head, I went to my bed at 8 pm, thinking I would wake up early and finish the rest of my works the next day.

Stating this, I feel excruciating pain in my heart that I fell asleep in the morning at 3 am. I was unable to sleep, switching sides. I was brooding, vexed with uncertain thoughts and anxious for not being normal.

I was forcibly trying to fall asleep, but I couldn’t. Twisting and turning on the bed, I would impulsively grab my phone after every short interval of time. Driving it, I throw and clutch it repeatedly, realizing blunders and high-priced consequences that comes with it. But seriously, nothing helped.

In the morning, I discovered my eyes strained, with unbearable headache, weary and lethargic body. Reason? Excessive exposure to screen has been inadvertently killing me within.

Why Such Intense Exposure on Screen?



Under-grad Survival Book

Student | Content Writer| I write about Self-Improvement, Productivity, Writing, Life, and more.