Under the Hill is back

time to burrow deeper

Harry Seeber
Under the Hill


Loyal readers may remember Under the Hill, a column of Capitol Hill music, bar, club, street, alley, avenue, weed, booze, & everything else scene. It was the counterpoint to our thoroughly unrebellious — though thoroughly delightful — garden column.

Well, Under the Hill is back, & it’s a blog. We live in the future, after all. Three writers will be doing the rounds:

Josh Bourn, our token old yuppie (he’s over 30)

Whitney Hudson, the new girl in town (she had to grow up in Illinois, god forgive her)

& me, Harry Seeber. I’m here because nepotism is still a thriving business.

We’re going to be covering anything that strikes our fancy, or your fancy. If you’re fancy enough to have fancies, and you live & love Capitol Hill, pitch us a story or throw us an idea.

To start, we’ll be introducing each of our bloggers with a piece about how they live under the hill. After that, look weekly for new posts covering music, events, etc, etc.

