We’re happy when people leave us. Here’s why.

Yana Bakalenko
Under the hood of the teal law firm
5 min readFeb 13, 2018

We often get asked, “How do you say goodbye to people?” Well, we haven’t fired anyone as yet, so at this point, we cannot tell why and how we let people go. However, we are ready to share our first-ever farewell experience with a guy who actually quit.

We definitely had a freak-out moment two month or so ago when we got a farewell letter from Vlad Likhuta, one our remote associates. We were like “What’s wrong?”, “Did somebody hurt your feelings?”, and “What did we do to deserve this”? As it turned out, Vlad is launching his own project that requires a lot of effort and time. Besides, he said he wasn’t exactly mad about this whole law thing. And no wonder! There are only a few people who really take delight in it.

We’re not going to talk nonsense like our every loss is a lesson, a step up, a big change, and blah-blah-blah. Here are some actual reasons why we’re happy when people quit.

1. In fact, not so many of them quit. In keeping up with current trends in legal marketing, our CEO Dima Gadomsky says that we got 20 times bigger staff-wise. That is, we have 20 people — 20 times more than we had at the very beginning, while over the time of Axon’s existence, we lost only 2 people. This means that our staff turnover is 10%. We’ll be able to tell whether this is good or bad in a couple of years. For now, 2 people in almost 2 years seems like we’re doing fine. It’s a natural process. It helps us stay focused.

2. We’re like a magnet for really cool people. For over a year, we had a guy with a unique vision and expertise in our team. How cool is that? Sure thing, we’ve provided some feedback that speaks for Vlad’s awesomeness.

3. The guy’s launching his own project! A lawyer guy and his own project! We always say that entrepreneurship is among our core values. So, here it is! This project is Vlad’s true passion and although we have nothing to do with it, we nurture people with an entrepreneurial mindset, and then we help each other to succeed. We’re very happy that Vlad was part of Axon’s team at the very start of his career. Chances are, he’s going to mention us in his biography some ten years from now.

We’re so happy for you, man! Well then, it’s time for us to say thank you.

Bogdan Duchak, partner and co-founder @axonpartners

I remember how we interviewed Vlad. We hired him as an intern once he’d showed us 20 pages of his cryptocurrency legal research. Back then, people knew nearly nothing about Bitcoin.

Vlad is awesome. If you’re working together, you can definitely rely on him. He has his own vision and he uses this unconventional approach when handling all kinds of tasks. He seems like a quiet person, but it’s not totally true. All it takes is a good joke! Thank you for all your hard work at Axon Partners! Best of luck with all your future projects!

Vlad was a remote associate, so we couldn’t catch him on camera all too often.

Oksana Kochkodan, partner @axonpartners

Vlad and Anton were our first “summertime” junior associates. We had a lot of fun back then. I remember them arguing about going to the bakery. Anton was like “We’re heading out in 13 minutes”, while Vlad always wanted to go right away. Yeah, always ready and willing. Our office was a small room on the third floor of Projector coworking space. They were constantly mocking each other and never failed to make us laugh.

Vlad, I’m really happy you were part of our team. You’re one of those awesome weirdos in our weirdos’ get-together. I mean, how cool is that! You’re an expert in driving people crazy and then making them apologize to you. However, you’re always ready to hear people’s feedback and work to better yourself.

Your entrepreneurial spirit is way stronger than that of our senior associates and perhaps even partners. You’re a really smart kid. I wouldn’t be surprised if you made enough money to buy a villa in Bali in no time. We’ll be waiting for an invitation to come over. You’re always welcome to visit us and you’re definitely getting a couple of hugs from Axon people:)

Lida Klymkiv, partner @axonpartners

We’re gonna miss you so much, our dearest intern troll (a very good-natured troll though)! You were here in Lviv yesterday and I could tell you were doing great (even a pizza delivery guy who arrived with an hour’s delay wasn’t a killjoy for you). We weren’t in mourning, though it was your last day in Axon Partners. Sure enough, we’ll be seeing each other again, we’ll be having these big nights out, and you’ll be teasing us again.

Here he is, finally caught on camera!

Orest Havryliak, partner @axonpartners

Thank you, dude:-) Thank you for always being there, for working late, for your honesty and strength. I get it why you’re leaving us. You want to do something big, something you’re really passionate about.

After World War II, people were trying to recover from the terrors of war, working hard to rebuild their cities and economies and make sure that their countries, towns, and districts were safe to live in. In the late 60s, young people who didn’t remember the horrors of war started asking questions their parents had never asked before. How to be happy? During psychedelic and sexual revolutions, people were searching for a key to happiness and joy, self-respect, and personal development. They found out that among other things, a key to happiness is fulfilling work.

Finally, we came to the understanding that money and luxury are not indicators of success. Instead, achievements and ability to take pleasure in work are its true indicators. Guys like Elon Musk and Lionel Messi are vivid examples of really successful people.

Day after day, you set new challenges, while your tasks become more complicated. The point is, whether you enjoy the process and whether your work makes you feel as though you’re on a high. In Stealing Fire, Steven Kotler says that with peak performance, you get an ecstatic experience, which is a key to long-term high efficiency.

Keep your eyes and your mind wide open. This world is big, beautiful, and freaking awesome! It’s so great being part of something that big and awesome. Enjoy what you do and take pleasure in enjoying it!

Be happy for people who leave you. Don’t be like this kitty.

