Enough Blogs Already!

Abby Meil
Under the Hoodies
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2020

We know there’s a lot of blogs… but ours is a tad different

Hi! We’re Abby & Eva — welcome to our blog!

Tech Newbie Abby

Abby: I’m a freshly graduated, new-to-full-time software engineer in San Francisco and my mentor Eva is…

Eva: …a Senior Director of Product Management in Silicon Valley!

Abby: We’re at two TOTALLY different points in our career. We’re blending our perspectives and experiences into a blog to see what we get!

Tech Veteran Eva

Eva: So Abby, let me start by asking this: why are we doing this? I mean, who would read this particular blog anyway? Isn’t this yet another fem-in-tech blog, jumping on the bandwagon of a trend or something, like so many other blogs seem to do? I mean, I’d hate this to be just another way to boost our feminine egos.. (not that there’s anything wrong with boosting egos from time to time).

The world is already overflowing of information, data, and fake news… so why would readers care about what we write here? Why would they take the time?

I’m actually not trying to down-sell here, I’m trying to challenge us to get clarity before we start. We can revisit this whenever we feel lost in the future — which I am sure we will do at some point. Don’t get me wrong, I am super excited to get this going. It’s just the way I like to operate: to have a clear goal and frame in mind, and then execute with confidence. So — what do you think? Why are we doing this?

good question

Abby: Well… there actually may be too many blogs. There may also be too many books in the world. But adding another book to the mix doesn’t lessen its value. So it should apply to blogs too. Logically speaking.

I like to believe each author adds something unique to the mix or genre, and in our case we’ve got two! I mean, how often can you get two people from two generations and two different parts of the world to talk passionately about the same topics?

Eva: Yeah I know. I just feel lucky our paths crossed and I find our conversation so intriguing. Some things are different — often good different — and some things are so familiar. We can discuss tech, women, career, fears, joys and everything else we usually chat about. I think I can buy what you are saying. I’ll internalize it this way: if our shared conversation about small and big things can help even one person out there, this blog will be worth it. I can stand behind that.

Abby: Agreed, me too! (no pun intended) From my end I see great potential in what we could inspire. I mean, how often do you find blogs that cover cross-generation and cross-culture insights — add to that from a female perspective, in tech???

Eva: Haha, you make a good point. Maybe we should patent this, as it is so unique.. 😉

Women in tech gotta stick together

Abby: With our blog, we could be lucky enough to inspire people to cross some other differences and borders out there. We’re bridging age differences and traveling down career and gender topic paths together. By showing there is value where there is contrast and breaking down generational gaps and barriers, what we share will be meaningful. I’m sure of it.

Eva: Yup. Plus one to that.

Abby: As I think we’ve found, you can learn some really awesome things through chatting with different people. By the way, when I talk to other people it seems like age is a big factor in their friends. I mean, do you know anyone else (like me) that meets a different-generation woman (like you) and after some time hangs out — I mean to the point that we get invited to each others’ birthday parties?!?

Eva: Hahaha, to be honest, not many. I do know a few (my husband has a brilliant young man, early in his career as a friend, for instance…but I don’t know any women who has this other than as a professional mentor/mentee relationship. Maybe that is a future topic by the way. Why don’t these relationships happen often and what are women are afraid of?

I bet it is the Silicon Valley influence too.. Or maybe the Peter Pan syndrome (we might blog about that later too) here in the area, where no one really wants to grow up. Maybe we all stay youthful in our minds, and creative and forget (or ignore) the age borders?

Abby: So in our case, we’re doing this because two different perspectives are better than one! We’re putting together our different pasts and paths, views and perspectives, connecting through common experiences and continuing to learn from it all.

Eva: Wow. Well said my friend. I am so excited to get started, as I am sure we will get some good times and some new insights out of this.

Abby: And we really hope our readers do too! 😊

👩‍🎨 Huge thank you to our friend Shalandy Zhang for her phenomenal graphic design work on our logos, avatars & background. Check out her work at https://shalandy.com/



Abby Meil
Under the Hoodies

A young techie gal just trying to figure it all out