Expectation vs Reality

I’m going to own the day

Sam Bear
Undergraduate Research
1 min readFeb 25, 2014


Some days you walk into the lab knowing whatever you’ll touch will turn badly. When that happens, it’s always best to just call it a day. Or just do what I do:

Stay in the lab and at 5:30PM realise everything you’ve done (starting from 10 in the morning) has been ruined because you forgot to add the right antibody. FML moment there.

On days like these, you were never meant to get out of bed. Or if you choose to, make sure to drink twice as much coffee you normally consume.

It’s also usually helpful to assume whatever you’re doing that day is also going to take twice as long (because it will always take twice as long). If you expect to be in the lab for 3 hours, you’re going to be in for a bad time.



Sam Bear
Undergraduate Research

As a young bear Sam has always been curious about the world - join her on her quest to discover everything there is!