True Elation

Things you dared not hope for happens.

Sam Bear
Undergraduate Research


Research is one of those things where you’ll hit failure more often then success. Indeed I had gotten comfortably aquainted with failure — in the first three months of my honours program everything I did failed to work out. What little hope I had harboured for my work kept whittling away until barely the tinest sliver of hope remained.

It takes many failures for this to happen but only one success to instantly nurture it back to full vitality.

Today, a momentous thing happened. I managed to replicate the results of my experiment. It is the first time this has ever happened to me and there is such great excitement vibrating through me!

The hope in me has come back in full force but I have a new set of experiences to temper it with. Hopefully in the future, failures will hurt less and successes will bring me to higher heights of euphoria.

I suppose this is why people love research — everything else sucks but when something works you’re the king of your world*.

*If only for a short while.



Sam Bear
Undergraduate Research

As a young bear Sam has always been curious about the world - join her on her quest to discover everything there is!