Open Access Networks will Free Communities from Modern-Day Ma Bells

Only the open access model can bring to life a competitive market for consumer content and services, distributed healthcare systems, new wireless solutions, and resilient modern infrastructure.

Bob Thompson
Underlining Communities
2 min readApr 14, 2020


We’re here to ensure the vibrancy of our nation through building intelligent community infrastructure — starting with the critical information infrastructure that underlines everything else.

U.S. communities are on divergent trajectories. Some experience job creation, population growth, and increasing wealth per capita. For others, opportunity is stunted and vitality is in danger — with crumbling infrastructure, shrinking workforces, high unemployment, and lower educational attainment.

The state of critical infrastructure is the single most addressable factor between the divergent paths. Specifically, we believe information networks — built on a foundation of open access fiber — are the critical underpinning for all resilient, future-ready communities.

Open access fiber networks power ultra-fast access to information, a competitive market for content and services, job formation and reskilling for workers, distributed healthcare services, new wireless solutions, and resilient modern infrastructure including sensor enabled water and responsible energy systems. And with the open access model, this is all possible on a single shared network — with no inefficient and duplicative infrastructure over-build.

In this way, open access fiber networks are the 21st century pathways to opportunity: critical for the continued economic innovation of our nation’s places , and the essential information foundation for every future-ready community. They are this century’s equivalent of the roads, electric grids, and water systems that previously defined our nation’s leaps forward.

Beyond the macro benefits, because open access networks allow multiple services and service providers to operate on shared infrastructure, consumers experience greater choice and better value for price, and service providers can enter new markets without large capital expenditure.

The vertically integrated, monopolistic incumbent model in comparison to the open access model that benefits consumers and supports private sector innovation

Neutral infrastructure — independent from any single service provider — is also the cleanest foundation for communities that want to provide new public services and build “smart city” infrastructure. Neutral open access networks put power and control back into the hands of communities that will no longer be beholden to the incumbent telecoms.

With benefits for consumers, communities, and the private sector, open access fiber networks return control to communities, open the possibilities of tomorrow, and underline the vitality of every community in the country.

Join us.




Bob Thompson
Underlining Communities

Founder & CEO of Underline, focused on partnering with communities to deliver the critical infrastructure they need to be vibrant and competitive.