Article by Elyssa Macaraeg & Ma. Claire G. Salvador | Edited by Mizsy Andrea Minez & Gemuel Pacheco | Graphics by Arabella Grace Palisoc & Benedict Maristela

AI Tools in Academics — Valuable Ally or Potential Enemy?

Elyssa Macaraeg
Published in
9 min readJan 9, 2024


Writing is like a companion throughout a student’s journey, charting their progress from the formative years of elementary school to the specialized field of their preferred college degree. Academic papers are always there, casting an influential shadow and being a constant buddy in the educational landscape.

As students progress in their educational endeavors, the significance of literary papers, ranging from thought-provoking essays to extensive research works, continuously grows. Through these literary compositions, students voice to their ideas, showcase comprehension of complex topics, and participate in critical analysis. Creating these papers not only helps students express their thoughts clearly but also fosters a deeper connection with the subjects they delve into, enhancing their writing skills in the process.

Academic papers signify the expectation for students to hone their writing and intellectual discourse. Despite challenges in schoolworks, modern technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), now provide solutions. AI in education aids struggling students, showcasing the computer’s ability to perform tasks associated with intelligent entities. AI tools have significantly advanced, offering comprehensive support for academic writing.

On the other hand, AI is significantly shaping education, particularly in language teaching. It enhances learning by providing dynamic and personalized environments, catering to the distinct needs of students and educators. AI also includes technologies that mimic human cognitive functions, offering automated writing assistance with grammar, style suggestions, sentence structure improvements, and real-time editing capabilities.

Additionally, students now have access to sophisticated assistance that goes beyond traditional grammar checks, extending to content creation and individualized learning paths. As these technologies continue to evolve, they are like to play an increasing role in shaping the future of academic writing and education at large.

In language education, AI empowers the creation of intelligent tutoring systems, a revolutionary stride (Malik et al., 2023). Scholarly communication is vital for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and advancing academic disciplines through forms like journal articles and conferences. Technological advancements, particularly in gadgets and accessible apps, including widely used AI tools, have made scholarly communication more efficient for students in their assignments and schoolwork.

Balancing the Pros and Cons

The writer’s path in writing extends from childhood narratives to academic essays, with every pen stroke representing a distinct journey of self-expression. These writing experiences serve as windows to their thoughts, avenues for self-discovery, and bridges connecting them to others. Whether reflecting personally, delving into research, or jotting down ideas, each moment is a snapshot of their evolving relationship with the written word. All experiences of composing every sentence and choosing words can be challenging, requiring deep thought to create a beautiful piece of work.

AI technologies contribute to the advancement of intelligent systems, offering the potential to improve and amplify human capabilities. Everything has its risks. Carlie (2023) explains further the advantages and disadvantages of AI in education. AI is rapidly transforming our environment especially when it comes to education today. AI in education personalized interactions offers feedback and automates tasks. It is also being employed to generate novel learning experiences that were previously not achievable.

Unveiling the Benefits

Learning how AI can improve academic writing gives one a deep awareness of how technology is transforming the writing landscape. AI not only makes writing easier, but it also creates fresh opportunities for creativity and skill enhancement. It can be used to improve research efficiency and precision or to create personalized learning experiences for all. These observations highlight how artificial intelligence and academic writing are becoming more and more connected, and they further emphasize the possibility of innovative approaches and enhanced results in writing. In 2023, Howyard discussed the proven benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for students, as listed below:

  • Time Management — Utilizing AI-based planners and applications is essential for efficiently organizing your study schedule. Examples of such apps include Reclaim, Motion, Scheduler AI, and others.
  • Research Assistance — AI sifts through vast amounts of data, making research quicker and more accurate, as exemplified by tools like ChatGPT, Grammarly, and Quillbot.
  • Study Aid — Discover AI-driven tutoring services and study applications that offer personalized assistance, such as Quillbot, Grammarly, and ChatGPT.
  • Language Learning — Grammarly and Quillbot, as AI language applications, provide interactive and personalized language lessons.
  • Skill Enhancement — ChatGPT, Google Board, Jobscan, and Resume Genius are AI tools that can analyze job market trends and provide guidance for making informed career choices.
  • Career Insights — AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Google Board, Jobscan, and Resume Genius, can analyze job market trends and assist in making informed career choices.
  • Writing Assistance- AI-driven grammar and style checkers improve your writing skills like Quillbot, Grammarly, and ChatGPT.

Utilizing AI-based planners and applications enhances the efficiency of study schedule organization. AI adeptly sifts through extensive data, expediting research processes with heightened speed and accuracy. Delving into AI-driven tutoring services and study applications reveals tailored assistance options. Language applications infused with AI offer interactive, customized language lessons. Moreover, AI tools proficiently analyze job market trends, guiding informed career choices. Additionally, AI-driven grammar and style checkers contribute to the enhancement of writing skills.

Navigating Challenges

Addressing AI’s issues regarding academic writing highlights the complex interactions between technology and traditional writing approaches. While AI assists in accelerating operations, there are concerns about overreliance, the potential loss of critical thinking abilities, and the possibility of undermining the human-centered aspects of scholarly work.

These notions motivate a deliberate approach, highlighting the significance of balancing automation with fundamental learning and critical thinking. Integrating AI tools into academic writing effectively necessitates an organized appreciation for hurdles and creates an environment in which technology complements rather than eliminates crucial human contributions to the craft of writing.

Artificial intelligence has been present for quite some time, and its integration into our daily lives is growing. While leveraging AI as an educational instrument has numerous benefits, such as enhancing student engagement through gamification or enhancing grading precision through the use of machine learning algorithms for automated essay scoring, Singh (2023) listed below the harmful effects of Artificial Intelligence on students and their academic performance.

  • Human Interaction Decreases — Increased reliance on technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions, replacing traditional engagement with social media, online communication, and virtual experiences. This impacts the quality and frequency of human connections.
  • Lack of Emotional Intelligence — Reduced face-to-face interactions may contribute to a decline in emotional intelligence, as crucial emotional cues and non-verbal communication are diminished in digital interactions, hindering the development of interpersonal skills.
  • AI Addiction — Excessive dependence on AI technologies, like smartphones and virtual assistants, can lead to addiction-like behaviors. Continuous engagement may impact daily life, relationships, and overall well-being, raising concerns about the addictive nature of technology.
  • Communication Barrier — Technology, while facilitating communication, can create barriers. Misinterpretation of messages, lack of context, and reliance on text-based communication may lead to misunderstandings, hindering effective interpersonal communication in personal and professional settings.
  • Decreasing the Thinking Power of the Students — Overreliance on technology for quick access to information may diminish students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Dependency on readily available answers may discourage independent thoughts and exploration, hindering the development of analytical abilities.
  • Laziness in the Students — The convenience of technology, offering instant access to information and automated tasks, may contribute to complacency and reduced motivation among students. This can result in a decline in the initiative to engage in intellectually challenging activities, fostering a culture of laziness.

The integration of AI in education brings advantages but also significant limitations. Concerns include reduced human interaction, hindered emotional intelligence, potential AI addiction, communication barriers, decreased cognitive engagement, and fostering laziness. It is necessary to tackle these challenges to ensure a harmonious learning environment while optimizing the advantages of AI in education.

The increasing accessibility of AI tempts students to rely heavily on it for academic tasks, potentially neglecting fundamental learning. This trend raises concerns about the risk of viewing AI as a shortcut to academic success, hindering the development of critical thinking skills. While AI tools streamline academic writing processes, there’s a need to balance automation with the preservation of human-centric elements in scholarly work. An optimal approach involves integrating AI tools with traditional writing practices to leverage the strengths of both approaches.

The academic community — writers in particular — is tasked with meticulously considering the nuanced application of AI tools to bolster their writing endeavours.

The Compass Amidst AI Progress

In education, especially in the field of communication research, AI presents notable challenges and consequences. One of the primary concerns in this kind of work is the lack of human involvement, a crucial element in the above-mentioned field. Communication researchers are essential in understanding the intricate implications of the growing reliance on AI in various domains.

Communication research serves as an influence by shedding light on the complex outcomes and potential issues associated with the increasing use of AI in academic writing. With the growing utilization of AI tools, ethical concerns have become the highest priority, requiring an in-depth analysis of moral standards. The increasing concern over plagiarism, intellectual property, and sustaining academic integrity raises worries over the complex connections between technological convenience and the need to foster intellectual autonomy and creativity. Moreover, the biases present in AI algorithms give rise to doubts over transparency, fairness, and equal opportunities for every learner.

Furthermore, considering the ability of the previously mentioned field to offer a thorough understanding of the intricate relationships involved, it becomes a vital resource for scholars and the academic community as a whole. Undertaking this program is crucial for addressing ethical concerns about incorporating AI tools within and beyond educational institutions. In communication research, it is critical to scrutinize the ethical implications of AI-generated data, ensure responsible use, and address unforeseen effects.

In addition, this field also functions as a compass, guiding learners on how they can ethically and effectively integrate AI into their writing endeavours. Communication researchers play a crucial role in academic discourse about AI by fostering an in-depth understanding of both the advantages and dangers that could be associated with this technology. The academic community must remain vigilant and discerning as AI progresses, utilizing the insights from communication research to carefully and judiciously shape the shifting circumstances of the environment.

A shared leap forward

Given the intersection of AI and academic writing, it is vital for the academic community, especially writers, to maneuver this revolutionary landscape with careful deliberation. AI tools offer great potential for enhancing efficiency and fostering creativity in academic writing but demand keen observation and attention due to associated issues.

Further, communication research serves as a basis for action, offering ethical guidance for individuals who wish to incorporate AI into their writing pursuits. By utilizing the knowledge gained from this particular field of study, the academic community can wisely navigate the growing impact of AI in education, promoting an equilibrium between the convenience that technology offers and the ongoing integration of human-centered features into learning.

As individuals navigate the transformative landscape of AI, there is a collective call to collaborate in shaping AI’s role as an aid rather than a replacement. The joint endeavor should actively emphasize that AI exists to enhance, not diminish, the quality of life and individual importance. Whether individuals are students adjusting to the evolving educational environment or professionals deeply involved in AI-affected industries, every sentiment holds universal weight. Every unique idea and perspective has and will forever possess immeasurable value.

To ensure the ethical integration of AI in academics, scholars are encouraged to participate in discussions, research, and educational initiatives as their active involvement may contribute to a future where AI and human intellect coexist peacefully, fostering a more creative and dynamic academic environment.

At its core, it is crucial to recognize that while AI brings progress, it will never replace the functions of the human mind. The thought processes, creativity, and intuitive understanding of humans remain unmatched. This acknowledgement lays the groundwork for a mutually beneficial relationship between AI and human beings. The collective engagement in this collaborative work shapes the narrative, ensuring that everyone involved contributes significant effort to developing educational pursuits.


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