Article by Neil John Merdegia | Graphic Design by Alleya Era

Passion made possible: DCR student gets into study abroad program

Neil John Merdegia
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2021


Do you want to study abroad? Some made it, and so can you; as the number of Communication Research (CommRes) students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) who get accepted in foreign exchange programs continue to spike up with yet another recipient of a full scholarship award to attend study abroad program.

If you are fond of joining organizations in and out of the College of Communication, chances are, you’ve met Cathyrene L. Peñaflorida. She belongs to those students who we COCians would refer to as “BS Org” (Major in Organizations). She is a writer, youth volunteer, student leader, content creator, and also, is now a foreign exchange student as she recently received a scholarship grant to attend an exchange program spearheaded by the Centre for Experiential Learning of Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).

In this program, international students like Cathyrene or Cath of BACR 3–2 are trained in solving real-life and global challenges, learn about community-based tourism, and be immersed in the rich culture of ASEAN. Here, specially selected students from all over the globe are gathered to contribute to creating lasting positive changes in the lives of local communities around the region.

“I was excited when Mr. Louderick Mercado (SUSS Sociovation 2019 Team Philippines mentor) told me about the exchange program because engaging and learning different cultures is my interest, and I also like the set of topics and activities they prepared that time, treating it as an opportunity for me to learn new things, deepen my knowledge and meet people.”

More and more students like Cath thirst for studying abroad, one of them is Ric Benedict Bathan also from BACR 3–2.

“I have always envied students who would have the chance to travel miles and have a glimpse of what other countries have in store for them.” He furthered, “For me, studying internationally opens a new possibility for students. It’s the best avenue for students to have a vision of diverse cultures and traditions. Thus, making them more open to new concepts which they can incorporate when they go back home.”

But the key ingredient that Ric Benedict is searching for to become an exchange student can be found in one of the roles of research — exploration; said Communication Research instructor Mister Jerome P. Lucas. He became an exchange student not only once, but twice! First in Japan for Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS), second in India for ASEAN-India Student Exchange Program (AISEP).

“It is only when you believe that you can explore the possibilities of being one of the role models of Filipino youth. It is only when you believe you can explore the other sides of the world without having fear of being unwelcomed. And it is only when you believe that you can explore your own potentials that you will become a real exchange student.”

Sir Lucas said studying both in Japan and India brought the best lessons and experiences in his entire life; at the same time encouraged students to join exchange program, explore in the most unimaginable way, and appreciate the culture beyond what they have.

According to CHED officer in charge deputy executive director for international affairs Lily Freida Milla, there are about 16,578 Filipino students who studied abroad in 2018 — a total that has ballooned twice compared to the data some 10 years ago; citing statistics from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

On continuing foreign exchange programs amidst pandemic

COVID-19 Pandemic is causing massive socio-economic disruptions globally, and this extends to overseas classes as they are being canceled because of the coronavirus. Given all the hurdles including risks involved in traveling between countries, universities in Sweden see a 13% increase in international student admissions.

But if you are worried with the community quarantines, and travel restrictions that we have today, there’s a modern solution to do study abroad while at home and in your pajamas — online class. But hold your horses though, since this doesn’t mean that students won’t be able to learn about other cultures and see how people in other parts of the world approach different issues.

Living up to these expectations is Cath’s experience in studying virtually at Singapore University of Social Sciences through #Converge2.

“What makes it different from the other university set up is that it has a lot to offer… they also provide a workshop, mentorship and they let us learn through the experience. They trained us to think critically not just as a student but as a leader and citizen of our society.”

She added, “Overall, it was a great journey, and I think the experiences that I will never forget throughout the program was when we were grouped in multi-nationality small groups to work on a project to tackle real-life challenges and when we dance, cook and engage with the three local communities (Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia).”

On feeling indebted to Sintang Paaralan, and PUP Partner Institutions, Networks, and International Linkages

Although #Converge2 is not part of Polytechnic University of the Philippines’ International Linkages/Affairs, the DCR junior student feels that PUP or Sintang Paaralan still contributes to her endeavor.

“The fact that I am bringing the title of being a PUPIAN to an International University reflects how PUP shapes me to become a student and a leader who is not afraid to try those kinds of opportunities. I am also proud of how I bring the values and morals that PUP has taught me.”

Advice to DCR students

When asked about what advice she can give to fellow CommRes students like Ric Benedict, Cathyrene shared, “Countless opportunities are available. If this opportunity comes, treat this as a door for new learnings and unforgettable experiences that you will bring in your whole life. Remember, it is YOU who can unlock your potential, so do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone.”

At present, DCR students interested in undergoing short-period student exchange programs may search for international partner-schools of the university on that includes countries like Indonesia, India, Portugal, Malaysia, Poland, and the USA among others.


PUP (n.d.) International Affairs. Retrieved January 31, 2021. (2021). #CONVERGE2: A Virtual Adventure of A Lifetime to the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Retrieved January 31, 2021.

UNESCO (2018). Filipinos studying abroad almost double in 9 years: CHED exec. Retrieved January 31, 2021.

Swedish Institute (2020). International student numbers up 13% despite COVID-19. Retrieved January 31, 2021.

