Overcoming Your Serious Self-Doubt Issues

Anna Maria Aparaschivei
Understand and Grow
5 min readOct 25, 2023
photo by Liza Summer

“You’ve gotta fake it ’til you make it”, and “You have so much potential, you can do it!” How many times have we heard these tried and true lines from our so-called helpful advice givers? Whenever we felt like we were not up to par to do a task, or felt that we were not qualified to be in a certain line of work; these two phrases were just some of the things we were told to do to handle our crippling self-doubt. However, if you have crippling self-doubt, aka Imposter Syndrome, words like these were not helpful in the slightest.

How long can you tolerate feeling like The Great Pretender and just winging it? Feeling like a fraud can have you perceiving yourself as inauthentic and deceitful. These pervasive thoughts can prohibit you from accomplishing goals and believing in yourself. Understanding this issue helps you realize that overcoming Imposter Syndrome is essential for personal growth and success. With the right strategies and mindset, one can break free from the shackles of self-doubt and achieve their full potential.

Imposter syndrome affects anyone from chief executives, and doctors, to students and it can happen outside of work itself. For example, imagine becoming a new parent and feeling overwhelmed and unprepared for all the things you were not taught after the baby was born. You automatically feel like a bad parent for thinking that you have no idea what you’re doing just for the sole fact that you don’t know how to keep a feeding schedule for the baby. Therefore, you start to have thoughts that maybe you shouldn’t have become a parent because everybody around you seems to know what they’re doing except you. This problem has become very apparent in people who were brought up with a certain family dynamic.

One study shows that specific parenting styles followed by being controlling or overprotective may enable the development of imposter syndrome in children. Certain negative criticisms from past work as well as transitioning into something new may also contribute to the feeling of being inadequate. This can be a factor in why many high-achievers who are struggling to embrace their accomplishments attribute their success to luck or external factors, rather than acknowledging their hard work and talents.

Imposter Syndrome persists due to a combination of societal pressures, unrealistic standards, and self-comparison. The constant need to meet high expectations in a competitive world feeds the feeling of inadequacy. We often think that to be considered the “real deal” we have to be a total expert at something. However, even experts had to start as an amateur doing something they took an interest in whether we want to acknowledge that or not.

Many sufferers resist change because self-doubt is deeply ingrained in their minds. Admitting to these feelings of self-doubt can be challenging, and addressing the problem often requires vulnerability and self-awareness.

“People who experience impostor syndrome tend not to talk about how they are feeling with anyone and struggle in silence.”

Imposter Syndrome or extreme self-doubt can interrupt personal and professional growth leading to anxiety, depression, and stagnation. It creates an environment where individuals hold themselves back from pursuing a new opportunity. It also presents persistent distress of being exposed as a phony, even in the face of significant achievements. This sheer fact can lead to overworking, burnout, and a negative self-image.

Over the past decade, the introduction of social media seemed to play a major role in attributing to the ever-growing issue of Imposter Syndrome. In Nadra Nittle’s article How Does Social Media Play a Role in Depression, she mentions that excessive use of social media can further enhance the feeling of being less than your peers because you have not accomplished the things that they have. Other problems that also occur are limiting belief systems and negative self-talk. Your mind can be your own worst enemy at times and it’s important to be aware of your own self protruding thoughts that impede your growth.

The Solution

A world without Imposter Syndrome can usher in a new life with more confident and self-assured people. There will be fewer individuals who need constant validation from their superiors. It’s a world where people are not comparing themselves with others but instead are focusing on their journeys which can inspire new businesses or innovations. Sequentially, it can bring collective progress.

However, one thing to keep in mind is that we will have to maintain a realistic approach and realize that we will still have the sensation of feeling like someone we are not from time to time. It’s important to note that these feelings are normal and something most of us experience. How we choose to react to it and perceive it is what ultimately can help us or hinder us in the end.

An important list to consider when it comes to alleviating your major self-doubt is to:

  1. Acknowledge the problem. Imposter Syndrome affects a wide range of people. Remember that you are not alone in this.
  2. Try not to view your achievements as just “ pure luck” or because you were fortunate. Look at it objectively and remain positive about your abilities.
  3. Even experts or specialists started as amateurs when they first got acquainted with their line of work and it’s quite common to feel uncomfortable when transitioning to a new venture or gaining new skills.
  4. Remember that your inner self-talk can also get in the way of your progress and success. Change the way you view yourself and it can change everything else.
  5. Seek support from mentors or professionals. Mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral techniques can also help reshape negative thought patterns.
  6. Be compassionate with yourself. We are not perfect beings and do not expect others to be, therefore we in turn must not expect perfection for ourselves.

Imposter Syndrome is a widespread issue that most individuals experience. However, with self-reflection and implementing the right strategies, it is possible to break away from its harsh hold. Overcoming extreme self-doubt can materialize personal and professional success, confidence, and living life to the fullest. By recognizing your worth and believing in your abilities, you can unveil all your potential and thrive in a world without second-guessing yourself. Your life will change as soon as you change your inner narrative. You will embrace your achievements and feel empowered to do more things.



Anna Maria Aparaschivei
Understand and Grow

Exploring growth pursuits unlocking the secrets to a positive mindset and lifestyle.💡I write for those who seek change in their daily lives