Your First Five Crime Studies of December 1

Today’s crime studies include work on restorative justice, police reform, and women who have sexually offended

Aaron Jacklin
Understanding Crime


Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

These new criminology and criminal justice studies were published in the last few days by journals I monitor.

1. Should We Defund “Bad Police” or Reform “Bad Policing”? Examining Person-Centered and Act-Based Moral Evaluations of Police and Policing Policy Preferences, published in Crime & Delinquency.

2. The effectiveness of restorative justice programs: A meta-analysis of recidivism and other relevant outcomes, published in Criminology & Criminal Justice.

3. Latent Profile Analysis Predicting Recidivism Among Women Who Have Sexually Offended, published in Sexual Abuse.

4. SNAFU, Situation Normal All Forces United in Veterans Court: From the Perspective of a California Court of Appeal Justice and Mentor, published in Victims & Offenders.

5. Does Where You Work and What You Do Matter? Testing the Role of Organizational Context and Job Type for Future Study of Occupation-Based Secondary Trauma Intervention Development, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

I might cover some of these studies further in Understanding Crime. If one sounds interesting or important, let me know in the comments. Right now, I’m considering “The effectiveness of restorative justice programs”

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