I’m going to teach you computer science

Over the course of many, many posts

Jack Holland
Understanding computer science
2 min readNov 24, 2013


I want everyone to appreciate the beauty and sophistication of computer science. If beauty and sophistication aren’t words you associate with computer science, then you’re my target audience. I find the common stereotype of computer scientists and programmers absolutely dreadful and I would love to tell everyone who will listen the real story behind one of the most fascinating developments in the history of humanity.

This won’t be a comprehensive list of everything a professional computer scientists needs to know nor will it immediately help you pass your Intro to Computer Science exam, but it will hopefully give you a profound appreciation for programming and theory and teach you quite a bit in the process. We’ll make detours into math, physics, biology, cognitive science, and a host of other fields along the way, but I promise that there won’t be an information overload — I’ll explain every step along the way so that mysterious and foreboding phrases like cyclomatic complexity and context free grammar, when introduced, will be such obvious next steps that you won’t bat an eye when they come up.

On the flip side, don’t leave just because you already know the basics. I plan on building up concepts incrementally so that eventually I can discuss cutting edge, advanced ideas with everyone on the same page. By starting at the bottom, I can ensure that everyone reading understands the prerequisite lingo, beliefs, and perspectives in order to actually understand what I’m trying to convey. In other words, I’m going to be extremely methodical and careful because I think the burden of understanding lies on the writer; if you don’t understand what I’m writing, that doesn’t mean you’re stupid — it means I have failed to communicate meaningful information! The only assumptions I make are that you are curious about ideas and willing to change your mind when given sufficient evidence. Are these assumptions fair and reasonable?

