A Heartfelt Apology for Betrayal: Finding Healing and Hope After Heartbreak

Our hearts gain sharp edges when we have been betrayed.

Today, I share a heartfelt message that resonates with the journey many of us have taken.

It’s been said that sometimes forgiveness is accepting an apology you never received.

Well, today, I want to offer you the apology you deserve.

I understand that not all partners take responsibility for their betrayal or begin the necessary work to rebuild trust.

It’s disheartening, and I want to acknowledge the pain you carry. While I wish we could focus on joyous topics, I recognize the gravity of betrayal and the healing it demands.

Allow me to extend an apology that speaks directly to your experiences.

Although every story is unique, please know that I understand the immense pain and confusion you have endured. I was betrayed by my husband. (read more on that here.)

The wounds run deep, and I am genuinely sorry for the devastation you have experienced.

I offer this apology on behalf of all those who have caused harm to their partners. This includes my husband, the betraying partners of my clients, my clients who betrayed, those in my VIP membership group, and many in my support groups. As part of the healing work done in my practice, an apology is an essential step, and many have graciously allowed me to share excerpts.

Allow me to share this apology on their behalf :

“I messed up big time, and I want to acknowledge just how profoundly wrong my actions were and the immense pain they have caused you.

I am genuinely sorry for disregarding your love, trust, and devotion. I failed to see the true beauty and sacredness of our bond, and instead, I treated it like something disposable or to be taken advantage of.

I deeply regret the way I mistreated you and didn’t fully own up to my actions.

I know there were times when I acted as the wounded innocent victim, and that wasn’t right or fair to you at all.

I am truly sorry for manipulating you, trying to control things, and shifting the blame onto you.

You deserved so much better, and I can’t apologize enough for all the pain you had to endure.

I want to sincerely express my remorse for the shame that you have carried because of my actions. It was never your burden to bear, and I deeply regret placing the weight of betrayal on you. You are not responsible for the choices I made or the actions I took. I am truly sorry if you received any ill advice, judgment, or condemnation from others, which only added to your pain. That should never have happened, and I take full responsibility for the hurt it caused you.

I acknowledge the isolation you may have felt, as well as the shattered dreams and plans for the future.

I am truly sorry for the insecurities, vulnerabilities, and doubts that plague you. For the sleepless nights, the worry for the future, the doubts of the past, and the unknown of the present.

I apologize for not fully honoring the pain you have endured.

I regret all the moments that my impatience or insensitivity caused you more pain. I recognize that it is not something to simply “get over” or move on from quickly.

Words cannot fully capture the depth of my remorse for the pain I have caused you.

It is with a heart full of shame that I apologize for the hurt I inflicted upon you.

Please know that I am committed to doing the necessary work to become the partner you deserve. I recognize the importance of healing and growth, and I pledge to actively engage in the journey of personal transformation.

I am genuinely sorry for hurting you, and I hope that through my words and actions, I can begin to mend the deep wounds I’ve inflicted.

You deserved better, and I am truly sorry for the pain you endured.

I AM sorry.”


In this space, please remember that you are not alone. I understand your pain and want to share your journey. As you read through my articles and blogs, take a moment to pause and reflect. Together, we can find strength and healing. I am standing with you, ready to offer compassion, understanding, and guidance.

As you get ready to click off this article, I want you to carry a sense of hope within your heart. Rebuilding your life and finding peace is possible. Believe in your worth, in love, in people, and most of all in yourself.

Embrace the path of healing, and know that you deserve love, happiness, and a future filled with joy.

Now that I am on the other side of betrayal, I live my life by my own design, with purpose, on purpose—and so can you.

That’s all for today. If you’re new here and you’ve come this far, you’ll have to hit the follow button. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Otherwise, you might lose me forever.

Claps go a long way. 25 claps mean nicely done. 50 claps mean the world to me and support my work in helping those betrayed not feel so alone. Thank you!

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Explore More on Betrayal Recovery and Healing:

What’s next:

The Power of Betrayal: Finding My Way to Forgiveness



Vanessa Cardenas | Betrayal Recovery Specialist
An Understanding Ear: Betrayal and Beyond

Certified, experienced specialist in healing from all forms of betrayal. NY-based. Rebuild self-love, trust, and happiness. Connect @ www.UnderstandingEar.com