Healing After Betrayal: Insights from Dr. Sarina J. DiStefano’s Powerful Foreword

How a Doctor’s Endorsement Fuels My Passion to Transform Betrayal into Healing

Since I couldn’t find it, I wrote it.

The guidebook I desperately needed when my husband of over 20+ years declared, “I’ve met someone.” I struggled to find a book without religious undertones or mind-numbing scientific jargon.

Mine is straightforward. Easily digestible chapters that allow the betrayed to effortlessly move from page to page without guilt, shame, or judgment imposed; one that would hold their hand, give them hope, and not make them feel that their partner’s actions were their fault.

I didn’t write it for commercial or academic success.

It is written to help another woman know she is not alone in the whirlwind of all her emotions. And I gave out copies everywhere.

Then it happened.

Dr. Sarina J. DiStefano loved it and graciously wrote the foreword to my book, “Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner’s Betrayal | What to Do When Your World Falls Apart,

Dr. DiStefano is not just a highly respected OB/GYN in Westchester, New York; she is known for her compassion and understanding in the medical community. It is evident from her ever-growing waitlist (so worth it). Her endorsement of my work elevates its message, validating the crucial interplay between physical health and emotional well-being in the aftermath of betrayal.

In my 40+ years of practice as a gynecologist, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound physical and emotional turmoil that betrayal can inflict upon women,” writes Dr. DiStefano.

Her words resonate deeply with anyone who has faced the gut-wrenching revelations of infidelity. The trust placed in a partner, once thought unshakeable, mirrors our trust in our physicians. When that trust in a partner is broken, the resulting emotional fallout is immense, often manifesting physically, a reality Dr. DiStefano encounters regularly.

Her foreword continues,

The moment when I must disclose to a patient that she has contracted an STD from a spouse, whom they believed was faithful, is a gut-wrenching intersection of medicine and deep empathy.

This stark admission from a physician at the frontline of such disclosures highlights the devastating impact of betrayal. It’s not just an emotional scar but a physical one that can alter a woman’s life and health irrevocably.

Dr. DiStefano’s professional and heartfelt insight into my book underscores its utility not just for the betrayed but also for those who guide them through their darkest times.

Vanessa Cardenas’ book emerges as essential reading for anyone facing the aftermath of betrayal and seeking a fresh start,” she notes.

This acknowledgment from someone so revered in the medical field is not just an endorsement; it is a testament to the book’s potential to aid in the healing process.

She elaborates on the content’s impact, stating,

With unparalleled empathy and expert knowledge, Vanessa extends a beacon of hope, a genuinely understanding ear, and offers practical explanations that delve into the whirlwind of emotions experienced during such trying times.

Her reflection on the book's emotional intelligence and practical advice illustrates why it is so crucial for healing.

Her book mirrors the deep understanding and compassionate approach that are essential for healing not just the mind, but also the body and soul from the scars of betrayal,

In her closing remarks, Dr. DiStefano captures the essence of what I hope to achieve with my writing:

Through Vanessa’s words, readers will find not only solace but also the strength to rebuild and find joy in the resilience of their own spirits.” Her belief in the resilience of the human spirit and the book’s role in fostering this resilience is a powerful endorsement of its purpose and impact.

Having Dr. DiStefano — a physician who has not only treated but also deeply empathized with countless women in their most vulnerable moments — endorse my book is profoundly validating. It reaffirms my mission to support and empower others through their healing journey, ensuring they know they are not alone in their struggle. Her words connect the medical community with those needing understanding and reassurance that they can heal and thrive after betrayal.

As someone who has benefited from Dr. DiStefano’s care over the last 30 years and respected her professional judgment, her contribution to my book is immeasurably valuable. It highlights the importance of addressing the need for a compassionate, comprehensive approach to recovery that addresses mind, body, and soul.

Now it is my turn. I have five different ways I can help you. Find them here.

Truly dedicated to those hurting from betrayal, whether intimate partner betrayal, self-sabotage, or in your career. You are not alone. Reach out to me.

That’s all for today. If you’re new here and you’ve come this far, you’ll have to hit the follow button. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Otherwise, you might lose me forever.

Claps go a long way.
Your 25 claps mean nicely done. Your 100 claps are a standing ovation.
Your 50 claps mean the world to me and support my work in helping those betrayed not feel so alone. Thank you!



Vanessa Cardenas | Betrayal Recovery Specialist
An Understanding Ear: Betrayal and Beyond

Certified, experienced specialist in healing from all forms of betrayal. NY-based. Rebuild self-love, trust, and happiness. Connect @ www.UnderstandingEar.com