The Power of Betrayal: Finding My Way to Forgiveness

“I’ve met someone” — three words from my husband shattered my world.

Vanessa Cardenas | Betrayal Recovery Specialist with her crystal ball — hmm…the possibilities.

My husband’s betrayal exposed my vulnerabilities — too many to count. Along the winding road toward any reconciliation with my husband, the glaring obstacle was ME. I was getting in my own way. My husband did most of the heavy lifting to save our marriage…and himself. Besides his 100% responsibility for his actions and throwing himself at my mercy, what I truly needed was plenty of room and time to save myself.

It turned out that self-forgiveness was what I needed to reclaim my inner peace and sense of self. Not condoning or justifying his actions, but freeing myself from the overwhelming avalanche of emotions that trapped me in a constant state of mourning.

Confronting Self-Blame

After discovering his betrayal, I spiraled into self-blame, questioning every decision I ever made and wondering how I could ignore the glaring red flags. I remember lying on my bedroom floor, ugly crying, paralyzed by my “Nasty Chic Voice.” This harsh self-talk was brutal and counterproductive, most often leaving me exhausted and numb.

It took me too long to realize that vulnerability and trust are not weaknesses but expressions of our humanity. Shifting from blame to understanding was crucial for my healing process. Despite my psychology degree, C-Suite executive status, and roles as a mother, daughter, sister, and friend — none of it mattered. I needed help from someone who had walked in my shoes and emerged stronger.

Embracing Self-Compassion

One of the first things my coach and I focused on was me. I was so fixated on the betrayal that I lost sight of myself. Learning self-compassion was a pivotal step in my healing. It meant treating myself with the same kindness and understanding I would offer a friend. It took months to realize that my husband’s betrayal was only a few pages of my epic love story, not the final chapter. Through self-compassion, I acknowledged my pain without letting it define me. This perspective allowed me to see betrayal as an opportunity for growth rather than a permanent scar.

Building a Support Network

Building a supportive network was crucial. Surrounding myself with people who understood my pain and offered unconditional support made a significant difference. I found solace in sharing my experiences with others who understood my “stuck-mess.”

This collective strength helped me realize I wasn’t alone and that others had navigated similar paths to healing. Seeking specialized help from those who had experienced betrayal firsthand allowed me to draw from their resilience and insights, further reinforcing my journey toward forgiveness and self-recovery.

In one such support group, the host pulled me aside and offered to sponsor me to become a Betrayal Recovery Specialist. She saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself — I was making a difference in others’ lives. I am so grateful for the opportunities she bestowed upon me by being my mentor years ago.

The Cornerstone of Self-Forgiveness

Self-forgiveness is truly a cornerstone in the journey of healing from betrayal. It involves letting go of the guilt and self-blame that often accompany such experiences. By forgiving ourselves, we acknowledge our imperfections and embrace our humanity, allowing us to release the heavy baggage of shame and regret. This process is essential for moving forward, transforming our “Nasty Chic Voice” into our biggest cheerleader. Self-forgiveness paves the way for a renewed sense of self-worth and empowers us to reclaim control over our lives. It’s about understanding that, while we cannot change the past, we have the power to shape our future with grace and resilience.

Practical Steps for Self-Forgiveness

Here are some practical steps for self-forgiveness that I share with my clients:

  1. Acknowledge and Validate Your Emotions: Recognize that feelings of hurt, anger, and sadness are valid.
  2. Challenge Self-Critical Thoughts: Transform self-critical thoughts by affirming your worth and the wisdom gained from your experiences.
  3. Utilize Resources: Engage in coaching sessions or join support groups that foster understanding and recovery.
  4. Celebrate Small Victories: Self-forgiveness is a gradual process. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.
  5. Reclaim Your Story: Reframe the narrative of betrayal from one of victimhood to one of empowerment and resilience.

Discovery of the Hindsight Window

It was the Hindsight Window Theory that pulled me through to the other side of betrayal. By closing my window, I found myself liberated from all the decaying feelings in my body. By closing the Hindsight Window, I arrived at a place where I no longer had overwhelming negative feelings about the betrayal. I can now look back on the events dispassionately and, perhaps even, with gratitude that it took place as my life is completely different from before betrayal entered my life.

Living a Life Redefined by Resilience

The guidance I provide to my clients is not just about survival but thriving beyond betrayal. This journey taught me that betrayal does not control my future or my capacity for love, happiness, and trust. Embracing self-forgiveness has been a path to self-discovery and renewal, transforming deep-seated pain into profound strength and purpose.

Through this journey, I found resilience within me that I hadn’t seen in decades, not since I was a homeless teenager in NYC during the summer of ’85. This resilience has become the cornerstone of my new life, defined not by my husband’s betrayal but by the strength and wisdom I’ve gained.

I live my life by my own design, with purpose, on purpose — and so can you.

That’s all for today. If you’re new here and you’ve come this far, you’ll have to hit the follow button. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Otherwise, you might lose me forever.

Claps go a long way. 25 claps mean nicely done. 100 is a standing ovation.
50 claps mean the world to me and support my work in helping those betrayed not feel so alone. Thank you!

I make a difference in other’s lives especially after the discovery of betrayal in all types of relationship.



Vanessa Cardenas | Betrayal Recovery Specialist
An Understanding Ear: Betrayal and Beyond

Certified, experienced specialist in healing from all forms of betrayal. NY-based. Rebuild self-love, trust, and happiness. Connect @