Why You Shouldn’t Care About Investing

The power of patience and building foundations

Jamie Murray
Understanding Money


Photo by Daniel Monteiro on Unsplash

If you’ve had your ear to the ground this week you’ll no doubt be sick of hearing how the Coronavirus is spreading fear amongst financial markets. Whilst many are busy trying to safeguard investment accounts and others are trying to make a quick profit, if you are early in your financial journey I urge you to take a step back, breathe out and forget about investing — at least for now.

“Just In: US Stocks sink the most in two years and the S&P 500 plunges 3.4%” — Bloomberg via Twitter

Scary stuff right? The current financial landscape is genuinely worrying. Not only is the impact of the Coronavirus alarming from a health perspective, but it’s potential effects on the global economy are hugely significant. If you’re just getting started trying to tidying up your financial ship, it’s easy to feel paralysed by these kind of headlines and make you wonder if you should be taking action. My message is that in all likelihood you should do nothing, we’ve other things to think about first.

The importance of when, not how

When you don’t know much about the world of investing, it’s hard to get started. With so many opinions on…



Jamie Murray
Understanding Money

Father, Rescue Pilot & Writer. Read my popular story on money with 22k views https://bit.ly/3DnqWmz