Maybe the link between the mind and the computer isn’t a cable, it’s a card. At least for now.

By Linda Holliday, CEO/Founder, Citia


As we move from a life that was mostly physical to increasingly digital, how do we keep digital experiences in some kind of order? How will we make, organize, publish, find?

It’s becoming widely accepted that memory is primarily visual. As we rely on memory to do more abstract work, doesn’t it make sense to throw it a mnemonic crutch?

Maybe the simple card can function as that crutch.

We all know the properties of cards. They can be stacked, organized, played, dealt, tossed, etc. They are modular and discreet, but can stand in for anything from kings to identities, pitchers to points. No learning curve.

Therefore, these abstract symbol-objects, deeply rooted in physical memory, can connect and extend our internal processes to our digital experiences—our exo-brain.

It’s a powerful but plausible thesis, that these mental and digital objects will easily cross and connect the mind/screen gap.



Understanding the future of the Web: it’s cards everywhere

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