The Human Operating System and “People-First” design.

Our brains are wired to make three-dimensional maps—maps that have scale, maps that have height. It’s literally how rats and humans memorize location.

Why not build digital spaces that are rooted in our neurology and our physicality? Experiences that draw on the vast subconscious dataset, acquired automatically through our decades of negotiating space, playing sports, building, and shopping. (Game creators have already tapped into this secret.) Not only does spatial design trigger our way-finding genius, it’s a vital component of experiences enjoyable enough to be addictive.

Instead of designing to conform to classic media — rooted in oratory or bound by printing limitations — why not build our shared conceptual space to exploit human strengths & joys?



Understanding the future of the Web: it’s cards everywhere

Citia is the only mobile-first, multi-channel publishing platform with social built-in. Making Mobile Better.