Introducing: A new class of hybrid domain for sale pages in partnership with
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2020

In partnership with Bodis (the leading type in traffic monetisation platform), we have developed a new class of landing pages which include a PPC feeds so you can generate passive income while maximising your domain sales. does not take a penny in commission of your PPC income. We have negotiated a competitive long term deal with Bodis to ensure you get maximum revenue from PPC/Affiliates when using our service.

Example landing page

About a year ago, we started working on this new service with the ultimate goal to introduce a better way to generate passive income from your domain traffic. We found the existing solutions rudimentary and outdated. Often, for example, existing solutions only offer a link to a make offer page.

After conducting numerous hours of customer development to see how they perceive the traditional PPC landing pages we discovered that often, visitors were left confused and did not observe that the domain might be for sale. This is an obvious conversion issue when you, as a domain seller, generate a big part of your revenue from sales and not PPC income.

Another impactful issue we discovered with PPC landing pages is that when an internet user has an ad blocker installed, that they would be presented an empty or non-resolving landing page. With our solution, your type in traffic will automatically redirect to the full Dan for sale page to ensure you do not lose sales.

Starting today, you can start using the first version of the hybrid for sale pages by enabling the feature on

In the coming months we will collect more data and feedback from our users to iterate and make the new class of for sale pages even better.

How to setup the Hybrid for sale pages

Note: the hybrid for sale pages will only work for domains that you have parked at

What to expect

Once you activate the hybrid for sale page for a domain name, we will update your landing page to a new layout that combines the offer box with related links PPC/Affiliate ads section.

The ads and related links structure are mandated by Google Ads so we didn’t have a lot of freedom to design these pages differently.

Getting Started

In order to start, you will need both a and account. If you do not already have a Bodis account, you can create one here

When you have both accounts, you will need to submit your Bodis user ID in your settings.

You can find your Bodis user ID by logging into your account at, and navigating the Dan integration section found in your account settings.


Step 2:

In this example case, the Bodis user ID to use is 12345.

Step 3:

Once you have your Bodis user ID, you can go to the settings at, and fill it in at the bottom of the page:

By filling in your Bodis user ID and pressing the save button at the bottom of the page, your Bodis account will be linked to your Dan domains, enabling the hybrid pages.

Note: We highly advice you to use this service while using our own nameservers ( & However, if you have parked your domain via an A-record instead of using our nameservers, you will need to add a CNAME record to your domain host settings that connects your domain to your Bodis ID.

The CNAME record should dan.(domain name).(extension) with value (BodisUserID)

For example, if your domain is and your bodis user ID is 12345, you would need to go to the host settings for your domain at your registrar, and add a CNAME record for and value

Activating PPC for your domains

After connecting your Bodis account, you are now able to turn on the hybrid feature for your domains.

You have three options:

  1. Enable hybrid parking pages for all your domains at once
  2. Enable hybrid parking pages only for domains that have a minimum amount of monthly traffic
  3. Enable or disable the hybrid for sale pages per domain

You can also enable or disable hybrid parking pages per domain in your portfolio.

Clicking the pointer icon in the domain row will activate or deactivate the hybrid for sale feature for the domain.

In the near future we’ll make setting up these pages easier but for now, if you follow our manual above you’ll be able to maximize your sales & passive PPC/Affiliate income by using our unique domain landing pages!

With kind regards,

Christian Vogel
On behalf of the DAN.COM team

