Painters from both banks of the Nistru river show their works at joint exhibitions

UNDP in Moldova
UNDP Moldova
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2019

Young painters from Chisinau, Tiraspol and Bender, 10 from each bank of the Nistru river, organized a joint painting exhibition at the B.P. Hasdeu library in Chisinau during March 16–23, 2019.

Reportage by Radio Free Europe, March 17, 2019.

The “Nistru Creations” exhibition was organized by the Independent Institute for Law and Civil Society from Tiraspol in partnership with the International Center for Cooperation in Education and Research from Chisinau, with the support of the “Transnistrian dialogues” project, financed and implemented by UNDP Moldova.

The Library’s hall was full of visitors.

The regional partners of the “Nistru Creations” initiative are the “A. Sciusev “ School of Fine Arts for Children, Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences at the State University of Moldova, “V. Postoikin “ Art College in Bender.

The exhibition “Nistru Creations” was also presented at the State University of Moldova, from 2 to 15 March.

Students enjoy seeing the “Nistru Creations”

“The passing of practice from experienced painters to beginners is an important aspect of the professional growth of young artists, especially in the context of the emergence of new trends in contemporary art. Through creative workshops and joint discussions with the project’s participants on the real and imaginary semantic theme in art, I noted the creative potential and critical thinking of young artists from both banks of Nistru, as well as their openess to create a platform for mutual communication and support,“ said the famous Tiraspol painter, Iuri Salko.

Master-class moderatated by Iurii Salko on March 2.

The paintings are own creations of young painters and represent unity through compositional diversity, on topics of their choice.

Creative process: everything starts with an idea and with a sketch.

The 20 painters from both banks of Nistru river have also participated in master classes in the field of modern painting, art expression strategies, art therapy, personal brand promotion.

Master-class moderated by Olga Percinscaia, on March 16. Olga is Ph.D. in arts, motivational trainer, professional artist, famous for her unique style “Metaphoric art”.

“Through this initiative, we hope to contribute to the elimination of barriers which impede the creative development of young painters, as well as to the establishment of close professional contacts between the participants. At the same time, the organization of joint exhibitions is a demonstration of confidence-building measures among representatives of the art community from both banks of Nistru,” says Diana Bencheci, director of the Center for Cooperation in Education and Research.

Also, with the support of UNDP, teaching materials for art schools were developed, with the methodological explanations of the works of the participants in the “Nistru Creations” project.

The teaching material was launched on March 16, 2019.

By supporting these initiatives, UNDP aims to contribute to the development of creative abilities and potential, so as critical thinking of young artists. At the same time, UNDP aims at intensifying cooperation between artists on both banks of Nistru river.



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UNDP Moldova

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